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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. And this is why the very idea of No-Knock warrants should have been painted as idiocy from the get go, much less make it into actual practice.  When you give law enforcement Gestapo-like powers, you will inevitably find yourself in completely fucked up situations such as this one.

    You break down someone's door in the middle of the night.  They have no idea who it is and legally have a right to defend themselves and their home.  The cops are acting legally and they also have a right to protect themselves.  Now we're having shootouts in the dark where innocent sleeping people are being killed, bullets are flying into adjacent homes with pregnant women in them, cops are being shot, which all culminates in the taxpayers having to foot an enormous civil lawsuit bill and the city eventually burning to the ground from riots.  And no one can really be held accountable because everyone is technically doing the legal thing.

    Or, ya know, we could just have police do actual fucking police work.  Stake the place out, wait until the suspect leaves the house, and then corner them at their vehicle, etc. in broad daylight where you almost entirely control the situation instead of barging into someone's home where you don't know what is waiting for you.  Then, after the suspect is in custody you can waltz in the front fucking door anytime you please. 

    All these years later and I still remember this video of a poor schmuck getting murked in his own home holding a golf club for defense because the police busted down his door in the middle of the night.  He wasn't a violent criminal who had hostages in the basement or some shit.  He was a suspected drug dealer.  They could have gotten this guy at anytime with zero issues, but nah, lets just bust down the door in the dead of night and shoot first.  Who in the flying fuck thought those kind of tactics were acceptable in what is supposed to be the land of the fucking free?


    • Hook 'Em 6
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  2. Finally got the news today.  The folks we've been hooking up wells for are postponing the last five they had on deck.  Gonna finish out the two we have pretty much everything done for and the disposal that goes with them and that's it. 


  3. 19 hours ago, Deej said:

    I'd be enjoying it more if I hadn't thrown my back out ten days ago. Went to take the garbage can in and noticed a big lizard at the bottom of the can. Reached in to get him out, and felt like someone shot me in my lower back. Living off Rundberg, it was possible I had been shot. No such luck. Bedridden for the past week and a half. 

    Hah!  I used to live off Rundberg while attending UT.  Had some friends in from back home who had never been to Austin before.  We were sitting in my living room with the TV on and they were asking about the neighborhood and whatnot.  I told them it was fairly nice and that I'd never had any problems and that our area unfairly had a bad rep.  Then, literally right after I said that, the news came on and the reporter told us all that a guy had raped and murdered an 85 year old grandma basically right down the street.  You could have heard a pin drop.

    Feel better, man.

  4. Been getting my ass worked off the past week or so.  No slowdown at work and I had to be there.  Wore gloves, washed my hands religiously, but all my coworkers thought it was nonsense and haven't been taking it seriously at all.

    Had to go in yesterday and developed a dry cough.  It rapidly progressed to a sore throat, fever, shakes, sweats, fatigue, etc.  However, I'm already feeling better today.  Still feel like crud, but no shortness of breath and my symptoms are improving. 

    So who the fuck knows if I have the Rona or not?  Told the boss I'm isolating myself until all my symptoms go away and he can just deal.  I'm not going to be responsible for one of my many Boomer coworkers getting it and dying.

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  5. So far not much has changed for me.  Working for a company who mainly does contract work for O&G, we got called in for a meeting about how the virus is screwing things up but how really the bottom falling out of oil is going to screw us.  So no more overtime unless we're on a billable job.  Fine by me, I thought.  Instead of waking up at 4 to be in to work at 5:30-6, I can sleep an extra hour and get in a little bit before 7.  I fully expected work to immediately dry up and us to be stuck at the yard, but nope.  Friday I spent 12 hours straight out in the field.  And we'll be finishing up some well hookups this week.

    Most of my coworkers are boomers and they aren't taking this virus stuff seriously at all.  I'm out here wearing gloves when filling up the truck, staying away from people as much as I can, and these guys are still acting like it's NBD.  So I fully expect we're going to be down a few people here in a week or so.  Which will mean even more work put on my shoulders unless the lag time from the oil crash catches up and things really do dry up with a quickness.

    But hey, I still have a job and can still pay my outrageous rent, so who am I to bitch when people are out there having their lives destroyed?  One of the few coworkers I have who is younger than me has three kids and zero money saved up.  If we start laying people off he's the first to go.  Can't imagine how nerve wracking that must be.

    Hope you all stay safe and that everything works out for you and yours. 

  6. That was a fucking beating.  Figured Fury would do better with a modified game plan and some extra weight, but holy shit. 

    Maybe I was just imagining it, but Wilder didn't look right even before the fight started IMO.  Don't know if he just mentally wasn't ready or he had something else going on, but he looked off.  Of course once he took that shot to the back of the ear he was definitely off and it was a no hope situation from that point on.

    One thing I am sure of, Lennox is an absolute beating as an announcer.  The old boxer being a bad announcer is cliche as fuck at this point, but damn. 

  7. On 2/3/2020 at 9:48 PM, Gunsup said:

    Lol.  Are you high?  Am I correct that you're assuming that Mahomes lucked his way into the Super Bowl?  I think Mahomes is a bit better at the position at 24 than Johnson and Dilfer at any point in their careers, and anyone who saw him at Tech isn't surprised that he went number 10 in the draft.  He played his ass off every game but didn't have a defense at all-at any time in his career.  What you see now is what he can do WITH a defense.  Plus, he can read defenses, which is something that Young never adapted to (which sucks, because he was so athletic).  I think that his ability to run might bite him in the ass, though, which he's going to need to keep in check if he wants to keep playing at this level.  

    Maybe I was unclear.  Mahomes is phenomenal.  Let's not be silly, though.  He has benefited wildly from playing for Andy Reid, an offensive genius who loves passing the ball, and having arguably the best pass-catching TE in the game with Kelce, while also getting to throw to the fastest motherfucker in football in Hill.  You can't seriously tell me he'd be going to Disney World as a SB MVP if he was playing for the fucking Browns.  He's absolutely amazing and is doing crazy fucking things on the field.  If he was playing for Jeff Fisher he'd be handing the ball off 30 times a game, watching as his team kicked a bunch of field goals, and finishing every year at 7-9 . 

    My point was, it's a team game.  Everything matters.  You need a GM/front office that aren't idiots and draft/sign well.  You need a HC that knows what the fuck they're doing on game day and how to run the team.  You need an O-line.  No matter how good you and your offense are you need a defense that isn't dead last.  Mahomes at Tech, like you pointed out, proves that point.

    Dan Marino was a pretty good QB, right?  Does he have a SB ring?  Nope.  Cause he played for the fucking Dolphins.  Life ain't fair.  Football sure as fuck ain't. 

    And to Iceman:  Yes, Vince being in Philly's offense for less than a year behind Vick until he went down and Andy Reid already basically being on the way out is totally Reid building an offense around Vince. 🙄 


  8. 3 hours ago, Hate said:


    One of them went to a team coached by Bill Walsh and the other went to a team coached by Bill Belicheck, who happen to be two of the greatest coaches of all time.  That's not to say that it is all coaching as neither Walsh nor Belicheck ever threw a pass or made a block or tackled someone for a loss, but it sure makes all of the difference when the stars align just right.

    People seem to always overlook the luck factor in sports in general, but it's really prevalent in football.  It's a team game, but people want to act like one guy and his talent can make all the difference.

    Roethlisberger is an ok QB.  He won a SB while being fairly awful because he played for the Steelers with guys like Troy Polamalu on defense. 

    Brad Johnson won a SB with the Bucs and Trent fucking Dilfer did it with the Ravens because they got lucky and had All-World defenses.

    Meanwhile, Cleveland has killed the careers of many a promising QB because that organization is a shit-show from top to bottom.  If Mahomes goes to Cleveland in the draft he's a nobody who, if he was lucky, gets traded and works his way into a starting role somewhere else.  More than likely he gets the shit pounded out of him and has the Cleveland stink put on him and carries a clipboard for the rest of his career or is out of the league within 5 years. 

    If Vince had gotten drafted literally anywhere else, I believe he'd still be in the NFL today.  Instead, as luck would have it, he went to a mediocre to bad organization with the biggest loser shit stain for a HC who specifically hated Vince and didn't want him as his QB.  31-7 record as a starter.  Improved his QB rating year after year.  Got set up and blackballed.  Out of the NFL.  Imagine if Vince had gotten to play for a guy like Reid who wanted him, knew what he could do, and molded an offense around him.  It would have been glorious.   

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  9. Rooting for the Chiefs. 

    But on the other hand, seeing the Titans win a Super Bowl and knowing Fuckface Fisher is crying into his soup at home with no chance of ever sniffing the NFL coaching ranks again would warm my cold, dead heart.

    I would guess the Titans win.  The only way you beat Mahomes and Co. is to keep that offense off the field.  The only way to do that is to run the ball and have a vice grip on TOP.  And that's all the Titans do.

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  10. Don't really have anything against the guy.  Just remember that he cried about Mack "campaigning" for the Rose Bowl when clearly it should have been his Pac 10 team going.  Then they proceeded to get beat by Texas Tech in the Holiday Bowl. 

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