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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. I'm still so appreciative that upperclassmen got allotted tickets.  Got to see us beat Michigan as a Junior.  Got to go back as a Senior. 

    I've never seen so many people in one place as there were outside the game before kickoff.  Just a sea of people.  From the bougie Cali people, to the "Fuck Ya'll, I'm From Texas" folks, to doomsday preachers holding signs saying the END IS NEAR. 

    Crazy part is, I had more fun during the game when we beat Michigan.  I was just happy to be there, no expectations, etc.  I was a nervous wreck during the game against USC.   

  2. 22 hours ago, BrickHorn said:

    That was really weird.  The whole Palpatine’s-secret-lair-and-army-of-ghouls part was like something out of Lord of the Rings.  JJ turned the Emperor into a knockoff Sauron.  Although the final battle with Rey and Ren had a very Harry Potter feel to it.  Draining the life force from two junior wizards floating in the air just seems like something Voldemort would do, not Emperor Palpatine.  The whole thing felt out of place.

    Not to mention the whole "face melt off from Indiana Jones" shit looked weird as fuck. 

  3. Wanted to see it for the schadenfreude.  Just got back.  Wasn't disappointed.

    JJ is incapable of making movies any other way.  Here's a thing!  Quick!  Here's another thing!  But wait!  Here's something/someone you remember!  And something else you remember!  No time to stop and think!  Go, go, go, go!  All while hitting every predictable plot point you know he's going to hit. 

    The characters matter so little you can have one of the main bad guys in this trilogy reveal he's a spy for the Resistance and then be unceremoniously killed off 30 seconds later.

    I was literally falling asleep during this.  Almost missed the Evil Rey part.  Which would have been interesting and cool if, ya know, Rey actually went evil.  So of course we're not doing that.

    I ain't even mad.  It's just nonsensical goofiness with zero weight to it.  And the point people have made on this trilogy versus the Prequels is bang on.  The Prequels are garbage, but at least Lucas had a clear idea of what he wanted to do and stuck to it through three films.  These movies are so disjointed and all over the place that it just becomes silly.  Disney really needed someone with some brains at the top running this whole thing from start to finish.  I doubt with their market-tested, please as many people as possible, while selling as many toys as possible MO that we'd have gotten some all-time great films, but it would have been better than this.

    Save us, Dave Filoni.  You're our only hope! 


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  4. 4 hours ago, ztejas said:

    I'm like 90% sure that Disney pumped up TLJ reviews under the table. I mean how do you get a critic/audience discrepancy like this https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_wars_the_last_jedi

    Only 90% sure?

    Disney straight up wouldn't let the LA Times come to screenings because they refused to suck Disney's dick and were out there exposing their bullshit.  Eventually the pushback forced them to change their stance. 


    Of course, that doesn't mean Disney has changed one bit.  They can easily pressure smaller outlets/critics/etc.  And of course, there is implicit pressure to write favorable reviews because, as a critic, you need the early screenings to get a jump on your competition, stay relevant, and keep getting invited back.  Oh, and the swag Disney hands out, getting to meet the actors, etc. 

    These Disney/Marvel movies get equivalent or higher critic ratings than all-time masterpieces.  The Last Jedi is 91% on RT.  The Shawshank Redemption?  90%.  Come on.


  5. 15 hours ago, BurntOrangeSatire, LLC said:

    Think we're casting to negative a light on some QB speak from a young man who had a disappointing season overall compared to expectations. Haven't really been paying attention to whether or not he's had his head caved in after his comments after the sugar bowl. But obligatory what is he supposed to say? "Rome wasn't built in a day..." is about as vanilla as it goes. For all intents and porpoises, I don't think anybody knows where the offense went. Dude had some white bread answers after the last game of a shit season. Sam is far from where any vitriol should be directed. 


    The offense really didn't go anywhere.  It basically stayed the same by the numbers.

    2018: 2143 yards rushing w/ 24 TDs, 3615 yards receiving w/ 28 TDs

    2019: 2064 yards rushing w/ 24 TDs, 3554 yards receiving w/ 29 TDs

    As for Sam having a disappointing season, not really?

    2018 Sam: 3292 yards, 64.7% completion rate, 25 TDs, 5 INTs  <-- On a team that actually played some sort of defense, wasn't completely wrecked by injuries

    2019 Sam: 3462 yards, 65.1% completion rate, 29 TDs, 9 INTs  <-- On a team that couldn't stop tripping over their own dicks, played much better competition, forgot how to tackle, who had like 500 guys in the medbay

    You're absolutely right that Sam ain't the problem.  Kid has killed himself for us.  Unfortunately, he's stuck with an egotistical idiot for a HC who has surrounded himself with even worse coordinators.  When your coach's stupid play calling constantly get you into 3rd and long it's hard to have a lot of success.  When the defense is so bad you constantly have to play from behind and under pressure it's hard to have a lot of success.  Yet Sam still managed to essentially match his Sophomore campaign. 

    What we needed to see this year was better play calling and game decisions from Mensa and Orlan_o actually figuring out how to coach his side of the ball.  We got none of that.  Instead, we got a fuck ton of injuries and better opponents who took full advantage of our inept coaching staff and roster deficiencies. 

    • Like 6
  6. Yeah.  Just done with this.  I don't enjoy watching bad football.  And that's all we play anymore.  Maybe I'm spoiled from being on campus when Vince/Colt were around, but this shit is just sad. 

    We've got more money and resources than literally anyone in CFB and this is all we can manage.  Being an also-ran in the Big 12. 

    I'd say fire Tom and Orlan_o and all, but with the idiots in charge at the university what would that really accomplish?  We need an overhaul of our entire athletics program and getting people in there who only want to win and are willing to bring all our resources to bear to make that happen. 

  7. The crazy part is, if you'd just teach these guys how to fucking tackle and turn and look for the ball which is Defense 101 level shit, we'd be fine.  Instead you've got guys diving at the ball runner's shoes, flailing their arms at guys, overrunning the play, and never looking back for the ball while wildly waving their arms in the opposing receiver's face and just begging the refs to throw a flag.

    This ain't rocket science shit trying to stop Tom Brady from carving you up.  It's just basic defensive technique.  Yet clearly that's beyond the ability of our highly paid coaches to impart to these top level recruits.  Coastal Carolina can pull it off somehow, but it's too much for us. 

    • Like 2
  8. 7 minutes ago, bullet said:

    Les can coach.  He has a ring.  But he makes Charlie Strong look like Einstein with his 2 minute clock decisions.

    Mensa was trying to impersonate the Mad Hatter tonight running down there and calling our last TO after we'd just gained a first which would have stopped the clock on its own to move the chains. 

    Those two 4th down play calls which put Kansas right back in the game early were also right out of ol' Les' playbook of stupidity. 

    • Like 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Gigglebush said:

    Wisconsin lost to Illinois today. Shit happens, we won.

    Funny how that shit doesn't happen to Alabama and OU and those teams that win all the fucking hardware all the time. 

    Coastal fucking Carolina held this Jayhawk squad to SEVEN FUCKING POINTS.  Seven.  We were 41 points worse than that tonight and Kansas left a ton of points on the field through their own fuck-ups.  W/e these coaches are getting paid it's about 1000x too much.  Hire some idiots coaching Pop Warner.  They'll work for peanuts and we'll be getting just as good or better results.

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