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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. As far as the timing goes, it seems like Luck was making every effort to be ready for the season and just realized it wasn't going to happen.  Everyone that mattered in the organization probably knew he was going to hang it up if he didn't get right by Week 1, but that he was giving himself the most time to see if he could make a go of it.

    Anyone upset at this is really just upset that they're a wage slave like everyone else and can't up and quit like Luck.  Dude played well for the Colts, got absolutely wrecked physically in doing so, and is leaving while he isn't dead/crippled/so mush-brained that life isn't worth living.  If there is anyone to be upset with it's the Colt's management for a) never protecting their star QB and b) after deciding to not protect their star QB doing nothing to find a legitimate replacement for him. 

    • Like 1
  2. Yeah, this case stuck in my memory.  The guy shouting all the fucked up, contradictory, SImon Sez or you're dead commands isn't the POS that shot the guy.  He was the commander who promptly retired after this incident so his ass didn't get fired/prosecuted as well. 

    Hard to see this as anything but that cunt cop finally finding himself in a situation where he could legally murder someone.  Tatted up.  Tacticool bullshit on his weapon.  Dead as fuck eyes/stare.  His idiot commander who had no clue how to handle the situation set him up perfectly.  Kept telling this poor asshole 100 different things and letting him know that any slight deviation would get him shot.  He naturally, since he was intoxicated and under a huge amount of stress, slightly deviated when his shorts started falling down and Brailsford had his chance.  Light the dude up, say you feared for your life and were just following orders, and get paid for the rest of your life.  Mission fucking accomplished. 

    All over a pellet gun the poor guy used in his job as a rodent exterminator.  How bout instead of paying this sociopath cop we take all that money and give it to the wife and kid of the dead guy who have to live the rest of their lives without him.

  3. Yup.  I've been vaping since '07 when all you could get were those ridiculous "Blu" ecigs.  They always came in fruity, candy flavors.  That's a huge part of the appeal is that you aren't stuck with just tobacco/menthol flavors.

    And if there was any serious negative health consequences to this shit I'd be dead 100x over already.  I've vaped essentially every day for the last 12 years.  And I'm one of those sub-ohm, run through a metric ton of juice type of assholes (though I keep it confined to my home so I'm not spewing clouds in people's faces).  No breathing problems.  No heart issues.  Haven't been to the doctor in that entire time except for ulcers which were caused by, funnily enough, OTC Ibuprofen. 

    Government gonna government though. 

  4. I could see Pike as one of the creepy, combative Aes Sedai who don't trust Rand/want to cut him off from the Source.  Moraine is more a mother/mentor figure early and then sacrifices herself.  Don't know if Pike's weird/alien vibe works for her.  But odder casting choices have worked out well before and I'm willing to give these folks a lot of rope since they're actually giving us AWoT.

  5. 1 hour ago, Brandywine said:

    1, 2 and 3 were horrible. Terrible acting, bad stories, way, way over produced and too much cgi. They didn’t do a good job setting up for A New Hope. I’ll never forgive Lucas for screwing that up. I have the movies but I can’t watch them. I think the story might have been better if Anakin would have started out as a teenager instead of so young. I think it might have set up the next 2 episodes better and allowed Anakin and Padme more time to develop their relationship. Also Hayden was just a bad actor. I never felt any feelings for either of the characters, and when Anakin became Vader it felt forced. No emotion here just glad it happened. The last 2 got them back on track IMO. Looking forward to the newest one so I can see how Rey fits into all of this. 


    Not saying Christensen is an amazing actor, but Lucas' work on the Prequels was going to make anyone look awful.  Portman is stiff, unlikable, and weird/awkward.  McGregor, especially in TPM, is boring and bland.  In the next two films he's just cheesy and about all he can pull off well is exasperated.  Neeson doesn't come off any better.  They're all highly forgettable performances from three really good actors.  Lucas was even able to make the inestimable Christopher Lee into a dud. 

    The only actor who comes out of the Prequels with an amazing performance is McDiarmid.  And that's because he's so over-the-top goofy.  Everyone else has their super serious/super bored face on and he's out there living it up because his character is complete nonsense.  So George literally had to write the most silly, moustache-twirling villain part in movie history to get a good performance out of an actor for the Prequels. 

    But we're supposed to give Christensen shit for not knocking it out of the park?  I mean, with dialogue like "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." he should have just strolled his way to an Oscar nom, right?  

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  6. On 6/6/2019 at 4:53 PM, Drew said:

    It's not surprising, but I kinda dig The 100.  I'll agree it lost it's footing around season 4...but came back strong the last season and a half IMO.  If you like the first season, stick it out.  If not, bail.

    I enjoyed it until they started trying to convince us that these soft as baby shit, 20 year old hotties are stone-cold killers.  Like at least get the actresses to work out a bit and get a little muscle definition. 

  7. 3 hours ago, RPM said:

    Yeah, really missed Powers. But I have to call a point of order. Walter Hales was from Snyder. You've never heard of him, but he was a great man.

    I'm obligated by law to dislike anyone from Snyder since I'm originally from Sweetwater.  So no disrespect to Mr. Hales. 

  8. 28 minutes ago, mycox said:

    I don't think you know how banks work

    My bank account agrees with you.

    It's all numbers on a computer, right?  Doesn't seem like you need expensive buildings/real estate to handle numbers.  I haven't been inside a bank in years.  App on the phone.  E-statements.  Customer assistance through their website.    

  9. Found out today that my old man, who has been running running his own business for the last 40 years, has already been doing direct deposit on paychecks for quite a while.  So a bunch of redneck, oil field hands don't even get a check on payday anymore.  Just a statement.  So why do banks need physical locations again?  Seems like a spot for an ATM is all you need.  And I don't know how much longer you'll need even that. 

  10. 1 hour ago, SimonBolivar said:

    By the way what does it take to be a high risk? Everyone seems to be moderate or low.

    Only saw lows and a few mediums except for one high a couple miles away.  Clicked on the profile.  Sexual assault.  On a 4 year old. 


  11. 5 hours ago, mdmost said:

    Was interesting there wasn't a Behind the Thrones post-log like in previous episodes. I guess D&D didn't want to try to justify anything with the finale like they've done in previous episodes?

    They're doing an hour long behind the scenes, "making of" type documentary that's going to be on HBO next week, IIRC.  So maybe that's why.


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