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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. As dumb as it all was, I did kinda like the first part of the episode.  Creep factor was high.  Dany's Hitler speech was great, if a bit (actually square) on the nose.  And while they're terrible at everything else, Dumb and Dumber do like those cool shots.  And Drogon's wings behind Dany was definitely a cool shot. 

    Of course the episode nose-dived right after Jon murked her, but whaddya gonna do?  I read that George wanted the show to go 12-13 seasons and that HBO was cool with 14.  These chuckleheads got their Star Wars trilogy and decided a shortened 8 was good enough.  Someone who actually cared about the source material, cared about their craft, the fans, and their legacy would have toughed it out to finish the story right or at least handed if off to someone capable.  Instead these two frat bros Titanic'ed the fuck out of it. 

    Ah well.  Maybe one day in the far future George actually gets the story finished.  That's the one I care about anyway.  I need to see how Stannis the Mannis wrecks the Boltons.  I need to see what Marwyn is up to down at the Citadel and how Jaqen is going to throw a wrench into that whole thing.  I need to see Euron's apotheosis into the Drowned God.  The show was always a knock-off.  It was an extremely well done knock-off early on, but it still wasn't the real thing.  Though I still think it's a shame it flamed out so badly.  Hopefully, even with the dumb-fuckery, it can lead to more fantasy stuff being made for TV. 

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  2. 7 hours ago, utee94 said:

    Agree with a lot of this, aside from the fact that I hate any and every single word written about the Ironborn.  God they suck.  I understand the need or desire to get a fleet for Dany, but other than that, every single interaction among them sucks the life out of my very bones.

    And now I'll tell you how I really feel... :)

    Eh, maybe part of my enjoyment of the Ironborn is anticipation of their future part in the books.  Euron is trying to turn himself into Cthulu.  Victarion has been touched by the LoL and is headed for a show-down w/ Euron/TheDrownedGod. 

    The Kingsmoot was solid shit, though.  Was really disappointed when the show completely neutered it and gave us Knock-off Jack Sparrow. 

    • Like 1
  3. 10 hours ago, Mileslong said:

    The one character that TV missed out on was Lady Stoneheart. One if the saving graces in A Feast for Crows. Imagine the shock of the TV viewers when out of nowhere she appears with the Brotherhood. They could have had a few hints over the course of several episodes of a “Silent Sister” leading a band of outlaws killing Lannister’s etc before the big reveal.

    Missed opportunity imo...

    One of my favorite part of the books is all the tells leading up to Catelyn's return as a vengeful zombie. 

    When she visits Renly to treat with him for Robb, he lets her have his pavilion since he's staying in the castle there where the army is camped.  She enters his tent and sees his armor hanging on a rack.  It's deep green polished to such a sheen that she can see her reflection in it.  She comments on how she looks like a drowned woman and asks herself if a woman can drown in grief. 

    Then there are the numerous references to her injured hands and how they've been cut to the bone.  Clear foreshadowing to the bone deep scratches she leaves on her face at the Red Wedding and her future skeletal aspect. 

    As an aside, I think AFFC and ADWD get a bit of a bad rap.  Yeah, they have some filler like Brienne/Pod going on a snipe hunt with that weird dude and Quentyn's pointless adventure.  Though I imagine Quentyn's failure will have some serious repercussions down the road.  Maybe with pushing Doran into the arms of fAegon or some such.  However, those two books have a lot of great shit in them.  Jaime's growth into something better than a self-obsessed, sister fucking asshole.  Jon's leadership of, and eventual assassination by, the Night's Watch.  Tyrion's descent into madness and becoming "Tywin writ small."  All the shit to do with the Faceless Men.  All the great stuff with the Ironborn, specifically Victarion and his molten fist of doom. 

    If you feel like AFFC and ADWD are weak, fillerish books, don't ever fucking read the middle of A Wheel of Time.  If you do, you'll realize Martin, while meandering at times, is nowhere near as bad as he could be. 

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  4. 11 minutes ago, RPM said:

    Skipped a few posts so don't know if it's been mentioned, but there was another huge continuity error last episode. Heard they showed Jaime Lannister's missing hand suddenly regrown as he's holding Cersi. Will have to go rewatch and look for it, but if so c'mon! That's just sloppy.

    Hey, man.  If you're just running out the clock, run out the clock. 

    I'd argue they've been doing that since Season 5, but they've gotten extremely good at it the past two seasons.  Ain't nobody got time for making sure coffee cups and hands are where they're supposed to be.  We've gotta wrap this shit up and get on to further ruining another franchise! 


  5. 11 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    I think the entire codebreaker/casino planet subplot with Finn and Rose was worse than anything in the prequels. Or at least anything I haven't permanently blocked from my memory.

    And it served literally no point whatsoever.

    If Finn and Rose never went to the casino planet and tried infiltrating Snoke's ship, the story doesn't change a bit.  They don't accomplish anything.  Their characters don't grow/change because of their experiences there.  It has zero impact on any of the other characters. 

    The only thing it does is put Finn on Snoke's ship so he can have his 1v1 with Phasma.  Which was also just pointless and disappointing. 

  6. Eh, when it's my time I just hope I get to go out on my own terms.

    Last year my grandfather, who was my mentor and friend and was just an all around awesome guy, died.  He'd been living with diabetes for years, but what did him in was falling over from all the medication he was on.  Normally he'd fall and be fine, but he was outside by himself working on some project of his and broke his collarbone and a rib after tipping over.  Then he caught pneumonia.  Made it through all of that, only to have his digestive system start shutting down.  In the hospital he looked like he was on death's door.  He asked to just be allowed to go in peace.  Nope.  Doctors and other family members wouldn't have it.  So he ended up getting operated on.  Then they did another operation to take out his gallbladder.  Except the real doc was on vacation so some stand-in, shit-tier doc did the procedure.  And he fucked it up.  So they had to go back in to fix it.  Three operations in the span of a week on an 82 year old.  He ended up being in there about a month.

    He made it out of the hospital and to a recovery/hospice place.  I went and visited him a few times each week and he hated it there.  The ladies running the show were always on him about everything.  The place is full up of cranky old people about to die.  Just not somewhere you'd want to be.  Oh, and all of this is costing a fortune, by the way, even with insurance. 

    So he gets out of the recovery center.  Makes it through all that bullshit folks forced him to go through.  Dies two days later at home from heart failure.  But hey, the doctors got theirs.  The recovery place got their pound of flesh, too.  And my other family members, who couldn't just let this wonderful man pass in peace, got a few extra weeks to watch him lie in a hospital bed in constant pain and discomfort. 

    Fuck all of that.  This keeping people who are going to die alive for a few more weeks just to milk them and their family for all you can is a fucking racket.  And it's morally reprehensible. 

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  7. I knew it was going to be bad.  I knew it was going to be dumb.  I just didn't realize exactly how bad and dumb it actually was going to be.

    This shit is even more frustrating when you realize HBO was going to give these assholes as much time and money as they wanted to finish the story, but they said "Nah.  We only want to do one more season with six episodes."

    Absolutely can't wait for these two to fuck up Star Wars even further.  Should be a barrel of fucking laughs. 

    I feel bad for Dinklage, Clarke, Harrington, and the rest.  The acting has always been on point.  Having to sit down, read the script before the season started, realize it's a flaming pile of dog shit, and then soldier through anyway?  And all those people who tirelessly worked on the costumes, sets, VFX, etc.?  Tip of the hat to them for continuing to give a fuck even while the two idiots running the show clearly checked out a long time ago. 



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  8. 3 hours ago, mdmost said:

    I think it was more that BB-8 doing that was kind of prequel-esque looking. Like C3PO in the droid factory in AOTC or R2 lighting the droids on fire in ROTS. 

    Got it in one.

  9. 4 hours ago, seven said:

    Yeah I don't care about any of that. It's a dumb space action movie that I watched while high and bored on a Saturday night. The action scenes are pretty decent and Rian Johnson just has a gift with making visually beautiful movies. I didn't expect Shakespeare, but I do sympathize with those that did and are disappointed. 

    Fair enough.

    I don't know anyone that expects Shakespeare from Star Wars, though.  I certainly don't.  I just expect some level of competency beyond absolutely fucking retarded.  The movie was actively insulting in how lazily/poorly it was written.

    And honestly?  I can forgive a lot.  A lot.  But then they have to go and take a dump on one of the most iconic characters in movie history.  That's just mean, man. 


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  10. What's nuts is that as bad as this was, it could have been so much worse if the meltdown had hit all that water below it and caused another, even bigger, explosion.  We're talking the whole of Europe being highly irradiated.  And to solve that problem they just marched a bunch of dudes to their death. 

  11. On 5/8/2019 at 5:46 PM, seven said:

    As someone who just saw VIII as a movie and not a star wars fan, I thought it was fine. The prank call fell flat and some of the casino stuff was too heavy handed but fine overall and a beautiful movie.

    Honest question, since I don't care if people like things I don't and if you're a fan of the new trilogy that's fine, but were those really your only quibbles with the movie?

    All of the humor fell flat for me.  The "Your Mama" joke being the worst offender.  And of course, it neutered any menace Hux had right out of the gate.  He was clearly a brown-nosing, over-the-top weasel in the first film, but he's still supposed to be somewhat intimidating.  After that odd as fuck scene he's just a complete joke.  You can't take him even slightly seriously anytime he's on screen after that.   

    You didn't have any issue with the slowest and most retarded chase scene in movie history?  I can suspend my disbelief with the best of them, but that had me shaking my head in confusion and frustration.  All the ships (except Tie fighters) go the exact same speed?  The Resistance ships can't use their hyperdrives, but surely the First Order can, right?  So nobody is going to suggest jumping ahead of them and setting up a kill box?  And you have a ginormous fleet chasing these folks with probably hundreds of TIE fighters in them.  But instead of just swarming them you send Kylo out with a small escort?  And then you call him on the radio and tell him to get back since you "can't cover him" from that distance.  As if the bad guys in Star Wars have ever given a single solitary fuck about the lives of the common grunt in their armies.  That's literally the job of TIE fighters and Stormtroopers.  To get wasted at every opportunity. 

    Then we're trapped in a literal idiot plot.  The purple haired "Boys are stupid!" lady doesn't bother telling her plan to anyone, which incites a mutiny, and there was absolutely no reason to withhold the plan.  And in the end, the plan gets damn near everyone killed anyway.  Whoops! 

    And our ending was a small handful of Resistance members (enough to all fit on the Falcon) surviving, with no one coming to help them, having just watched all their friends get annihilated, and they're all fucking smiles.  The tone of this movie was just all over the fucking place. 

    I'm leaving out a horde of minor stuff too, like Phasma being worthless again, "Chrome Dome!", BB-8 driving a goddamn AT-ST, them needing to find one specific dude to do the hack but getting arrested and then just happening to get locked up with another guy who can do the hack, bad fight choreography, Snoke being a joke, drinking green alien titty milk, etc.


    • Like 8
  12. 7 hours ago, Augustus said:


    Very common problem for authors.

    Except most authors keep their nose to the grindstone and figure that shit out.  If it doesn't come out perfect, well, that's life.

    Meanwhile, George has just completely abdicated any responsibility on finishing ASOIAF.  He's managed to write two different books, write scripts for the show, show up to a zillion different book signings and interviews and fan get-togethers, and is helping HBO with about four different spinoffs. 

    He got stuck, had excuses to not keep working on it, and now the stress of actually getting it done has become so overwhelming he's probably just given up.  Easier just to ignore it and count your money, I suppose.

    Plenty of no-name authors find themselves in the same situation, but they have to put food on the table so they work their way through it.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Texas_Rocks said:

    Passengers reported that one particular man is responsible for the death of many passengers as he blocked a bunch of people while wrestling his carry-on out of the overhead.

    That guy should have been beaten to death on the tarmac.

    Hey man, do you even fucking know how much the nose candy costs these days?  If he doesn't get the entire shipment to Boris, the Russian mob boss, he's gonna be short a few things that won't grow back.

  14. That one radiation engineer that they forced to go up to the roof?  Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.  I'd be telling them to feed me a bullet because that's a hell of a lot better than spending the next several days melting into goo in agonizing pain.

  15. 6 hours ago, Mach 1 said:


    It wasn't that high profile when it started.  Yes, the books were popular among bookfags, but I'm a reader (non fiction) and had never heard of the damn thing until I saw a billboard for season 1.

    Benioff wrote the 25th Hour (Spike) book the movie was based on.  He's also married to Amanda Peet.  Not sure about the other D guy but they had enough pull to get HBO to launch this thing with them at the helm. I read that when they approached GRRM about making the show, he asked them who Jon Snow's parents were and they answered correctly.  So voila, they get the keys to finish the story on screen. 

    HBO probably had no idea how far it would take off when they green lighted it, but they have what they have to march forward.

    And I've been entertained post books, and given them plenty of rope to hang themselves, and they finally did with that last episode.  Trash. 

    IIRC, the only other credits Dumb and Dumber have is X-Men: Wolverine (complete and utter shit-show) and Troy (beyond mediocre). 

    I think the reason HBO gave them the reins is because they probably figured those two hacks would never have to write anything original for the entire run of the series.  George already had four giant books out.  The fifth was just about to be published.  They must have figured it was a lock for the books to be done well ahead of the show.

    Plus, if you think back to 2010 or w/e this whole thing got pitched, what was the biggest recent money-maker around in film?  Harry Potter/Twilight.  So I'm sure those HBO execs were looking to cash in on that wave, just with adults instead of kids. 

  16. 3 hours ago, Eastwood said:

    Why do you have a problem with Bronn waltzing into Winterfell uncontested, being an unrepentant asshole to two people he's risked his life for even when money wasn't on the line, and then exits stage left like his scene in the high school play was done? But seriously, though, that scene felt so out of place.

    Yep.  It's clear that Dumb & Dumber have no idea what to do with Bronn, but they know he's a crowd favorite and they've given him such a prominent role in past seasons that he just has to be in there somewhere. 

    And as if the episode was pants-on-head-retarded enough, just remember that literally every single thing in that episode after the feast could have been avoided going by what Dumb & Dumber established in episode three.  Bran could easily have told Dany/Jon "Uh, yeah.  Maybe don't fly near Dragonstone.  Pirate Fuckboi is hanging out there with a bunch of heat-seeking harpoons."  And, of course, why should Dany and Jon go south to deal with Cersei at all?  They've got a goddamn nuke in the form of Arya Stark.  She just murked an 8000 year old ice demon who could raise the dead.  It would be child's play for her to waltz into King's Landing and murder Cersei, Qyburn, the Mountain, and every other fucking person without breaking a sweat.


  17. 10 minutes ago, longhornmatt said:

    I can’t believe they would actually say, “Yeah, they just forgot about Euron” as their explanation for Dany, Tyrion, Davos, Grey Worm, Jon, and everyone else letting the army get wiped out at sea again.  Maybe let someone else do the inside the episode explanations and re-shoot those for the next two weeks.

    Yeah, this was just egregiously stupid by Benioff considering we just had our characters discussing Cersei and her forces not two scenes earlier.  So Dany forgot about the magically teleporting Pirate Fuckboi who has already wiped out her ships, killed off her Dornish allies, previously captured her other Ironborn allies, and who is the right hand man of Cersei?  Right after discussing attacking Cersei and how they were going to move their troops into position? 

    I mean, Dany clearly isn't the best commander around and I wouldn't be putting her up for a Nobel Prize anytime soon, but even she isn't that fucking dumb. 

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