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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. 6 hours ago, Mojo Hand said:

    It's not that you don't have the stones.  It's that you have a conscience.  Sociopaths literally don't have a conscious.  It didn't take guts for her to do all of that shit because she didn't have to overcome anything inside that might stop the rest of us.   The only thing she was "concerned" with was getting exposed, which is why all of her efforts were aimed at that, not trying to get the tech to work. 

    Yeah, that's true.

    It just makes me scratch my head because sociopaths are usually fairly smart.  This gal seems at least somewhat smart.  Hell, you have to have at least something going on to snow under all those people, even if they're giving you an edge through their greed.  So don't these smart sociopaths think to themselves at some point, "Hey, there's absolutely no way I can keep all these plates spinning indefinitely.  I've been flat out lying from the jump.  I'm only a few years into this deal and my company is making no money, I'm having to spy on my employees, threaten reporters, and I'm putting lives at risk to keep this fraud going.  Shouldn't I fucking bail?"

    I think that's where I see the confidence part.  They just don't seem to have the capability to process consequences like a normal human being. 

  2. You gotta admire the confidence of sociopaths. 

    Me, as a normal, sane person might think about ways to make myself look/seem more professional and in charge.  Thinking about wearing black turtlenecks so I seem more like Steve Jobs?  The first thing that would go through my brain is "No, dummy.  They'll see right through that shit.  You'll look ridiculous and people will laugh at you."  Changing my voice?  "No, you fucking idiot.  That will never work!"  This gal just says fuck it, rolls with it, and people actually buy that shit. 

    Not to mention the absolute balls of having no way to actually deliver on what you're promising and bilking a bunch of rich and powerful people out of hundreds of millions of dollars.  Bald face lying to people like Warren Buffet, Henry Kissinger, etc.?  I'd have never had the stones to get the damn thing off the ground, much less getting it to a point where I had all these ultra-rich dumbfucks begging to give me all their money.  Of course, I'd also not be looking at 20 years in prison for fraud.

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, XYZ said:

    What are y’alls top three episodes of Love, Death + Robots?

    -The dump

    -Zima blue


    Hell, I thought the first episode was a banger right out the gate.

    The Dump was great.

    Three Robots was really funny.

    Suits was great, too.

    I was surprised how none of them were awful and they all managed to be entertaining.  A few were definitely a cut below the best, but nothing crazy.  Definitely worth watching if anyone is wondering.  Though there wasn't much "love" in Love, Death, and Robots.  Lots of death though. 

  4. If you ever want to cure yourself of flying again, watch those Air Crash Investigation shows.  Shit is nightmare fuel when you realize a bunch of these crashes come down to morons in the cockpit, morons working on the planes, or arcane designs in shit like the autopilot.

    Like when some Russians flying an Airbus decided to let the pilot's kids sit at the controls while the autopilot was on.  Kid pushes the yoke and turns the autopilot off.  Well, sort of.  It turned off the autopilot control of the ailerons.  It just didn't turn off autopilot control of anything else.  Pilot and his co-pilot freak the fuck out and manage to stall/corkscrew the damn plane and 75 people into a hillside.  Turns out the plane actually has an indicator that lets you know that the full autopilot isn't running, but the Russians were used to audio cues and not visual ones.  Derp.


  5. So supposedly this guy was on the hook for a lot of unpaid taxes.  I think he's still alive.  And his plan was genius.

    You're about to be fucked six ways from Sunday for not paying your taxes.  So instead you decide to fake your death.  It has to be believable though.  So you pay off a dick surgeon to say you died on the table while getting your junk enhanced.  No one would ever believe that a guy would admit to having a micro-dick that didn't.  One cheap cadaver, cremation, and you're off to a country with no extradition laws.  You just have to live the rest of your life knowing everything thinks you died trying to fix your small pecker. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 3/5/2019 at 3:15 PM, NowThis said:

    btw, came here to wish Gary "big Hands" Johnson well. Runs a 4.43 at LB is phenomenal, so why is he not considered a lock? He's a steal at UDFA too, but pick the man!

    He's small.

    Though honestly, you'd think the NFL would be interested in picking up smaller LBs who can keep pace in the the era of "Throw the ball 60 times a game to 12 different guys."

  7. Finally a liberal who is actually, ya know, a liberal with some real policy ideas. 

    The quicker the Dems dump the identity politics cancer and "HURR DURR DRUMPF!" and pivot to guys like this, the better.

    Of course, I've seen this movie before with Ron Paul.  This dude will be lucky to make the debates.  When he does, he'll get next to no speaking time.  When he does get to speak the other bought and paid for corporate shills will do their best to ridicule anything he says.  Then the MSM who are also bought and paid for will shit all over him and then do their best to completely ignore the fact that he's in the race. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, mdmost said:

    Lots of ruining Star Wars talk on this thread and the one that preceded it on Shaggy.. It just seems this cycle goes around again and again every few months. So I'm assuming when the new trailer comes out we'll get another round of how awful TLJ was and how Disney ruined things. Who knows, maybe it just blows people away.

    Honestly, at this point I think most of us are at the "who gives a fuck" stage.

    It's just fun to troll Rimbo and gripe about the good ol' days. 

    Star Wars had its time.  When it was good it was great.  It ain't for us old timers anymore.  I'm fine with that.  Rose Tico TV show?  Have at it.  I'll be busy watching The Expanse or Altered Carbon or something else worth my time. 

    Disney has actually accomplished something amazing with their spin on Star Wars.  It's made me and tons of people like me not give a flying fuck about Star Wars anymore.  Good luck to them on roping in a new generation of kids.  Hope it works out for them, but I wouldn't put money on it. 


    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    not sure why I need to keep reminding people of this but they were allowed to have nudity on Sci Fi as well. But with the timeslot they wanted to play the show it, it would be slightly frowned upon.   

    Cable TV -even just the basic channels do not have the nudity hold restrictions on them that you think they do.  

    Cable television, on the other hand, is not bound by FCC rules and can show whatever material their executives consider suitable. With some exceptions, while cable channels that rely on advertising still do not show nudity during prime time

    This is not news to anyone.

    We all know cable channels can show the goods but choose not to because they don't want to scare away advertisers.  Paid subscription services like Amazon and Netflix don't have this concern. 

    Hell, I think the showrunners specifically mentioned how they could "open up" what they could do now that they weren't going to be on cable.

    But congrats for enlightening us all.  10 points to Gryffindor. 

  10. I've been playing video games since the fucking Atari.  Shooters were my jam all the way back to Quake/Tribes.  I thought I was pretty fucking good and had the stats to prove it. 

    But holy hell these kids playing today professionally are just insane. 

    Just finished watching the Apex Twitch tournament and this kid Dizzy was just nuts.  He kept running out of people to kill.  He didn't even need specific weapons.  He'd just pick up w/e the fuck he could find and wipe squads like it was a walk in the park.


    • Like 1
  11. Yeah, whatever could go wrong with busting down someone's door, many times in the dead of night which wakes them from sleeping, and yelling "Police!" once or twice only giving them half a second to process what the fuck is going down.  That could never turn out to be a shit show.

    Anyone remember this poor son of a bitch?  Has no idea what's going on and blasted into oblivion holding a golf club.

    Or how about Jose Guerena?  An Iraq War veteran who had his wife and kid at home while the po-po unloaded 71 bullets into his home, killing him.  And he was completely innocent.

    This no-knock bullshit is unconstitutional and, surprise, dumb as fuck.  It just leads to people getting killed for no good reason.  The police need to learn how to do, ya know, fucking police work and stop it with playing gung-ho dress up so they can get their rocks off.

  12. On 2/1/2019 at 4:27 PM, Art Vandelay said:

    I remember taking a dump on a Colorado ski trip one time back in the 80s and there on the bathroom stall was the following poem: "Here I sit, my buns a flexin', giving birth to another Texan."

    My 14 year old self thought that was pretty damn hilarious (and a little insulting).

    Those who write upon these walls

    Roll their shit into little balls

    Those who read these words of wit

    Eat those little balls of shit


    • Haha 1
  13. I like how people are so shell shocked from the new trilogy that they think Rogue One is some masterpiece.  The film has all sorts of problems and it shows. 

    Saw Gerrera's stuff is totally out of whack because they ended up cutting a ton of his involvement in the movie.  Every scene he's in feels disjointed and bad.

    The characters, outside of the sarcastic droid, are all uninteresting and shallow. 

    The lead actress was just not up for the job and she was given some awful material to work with.  Her little speech to the Rebels was one of the most laughable things I've ever seen in a film.

    "Don't choke on your aspirations."

    They took a page from most every Marvel film and gave us a completely weak and uninteresting villain. 

    CGI Tarkin

    Of course, the final 30 minutes of the movie are amazing with the Vader fan service at the end to top it off.  However, the rest of the film is a fucking mess. 

    • Like 3
  14. 1 minute ago, David Dennison said:

    You don't read much Michael Harriot, do you?

    Yeah.  He's a troll.  Like you.  I can see why you'd be thrilled with his work. 

    TheRoot is a racist, supremacist site a la The Stormfront, but which somehow gets a pass because it's run by AAs.  If that's who you guys want to roll with, well, be my guest. 

  15. 1 minute ago, Machinator said:

    Link to Mahomes getting hit on the helmet? If you're talking about the play I think you are, it looked like it in real time but on replay the arm came down on his shoulder.

    No idea where a link would be, but it was in the first half and they showed Mahomes gesturing to the ref after the play wondering why there wasn't a flag.  From what I remember of the replay he clearly got smacked on the head.  It was when the Chiefs were backed up in their own red zone and they were forced to punt.

  16. 4 hours ago, satyanash said:

    Mahomes got hit exactly the same way earlier in the game. Of course, he didn't get the call.

    Brady is up there in the Rodgers tier of "if you breathe on him, we're throwing a flag".

    Actually Mahomes got hit across the helmet rather roughly and it wasn't called.  The Chiefs guy got nothing but Brady's shoulderpad and the flag was thrown. 

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