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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. 4 hours ago, Gatorubet said:

    It would help if you posted the video, and not what people commented about the video. Hell, Swam could have made the observations.

    That reddit post has links to all the video of the situation.  It got gilded five times over.  In the larger thread there is another guy who does the same thing this dude did which also got gilded multiple times, except the dude that made that post makes it a point to say he hates Trump supporters, is a hardcore leftist, and yet that the kids didn't do anything.  You can interpret w/e you want from it I guess, but the video is all there and it completely explains the situation.  There are links to the full, unedited video if you take two seconds to look.  What more exactly do you need? 

    Color me not surprised that when presented with clear evidence that the media manipulated the video clips they showed to rile the mouth-breathers up, said people in this thread doubled down on not admitting they got played.

    It's obvious that a) the kids were minding their own business until some Black Israelites started saying awful shit to them b) the kids responded by laughing and doing school chants c) Native American protestors inserted themselves into the situation and also provoked the kids and acted kind of shitty to them d) kids again responded not in a hostile way but playing along and goofing off.  Are they assholes for being Trump supporters and wearing those dumbass hats?  Sure.  Did they start and/or escalate this situation and deserve to be made out to be harassing the poor, innocent Native American vet and likened to white kids harassing blacks from the civil rights era?  No.  That would be patently obvious to anyone with common sense, but we live in the hyperbolic age of Trump, so I guess not.

  2. 7 minutes ago, TexArcher said:

    This might have worked, if there weren't, you know video.

    Actually, this could be the motto of all of Trump's sycophants.


    There is video.  It supports what the kids are saying.  They were harassed, cussed at, etc.  Then the Native American group moves up to them.  Tells them to go back to Europe, etc.  The kids do a school chant and laugh.  End of story.

    I mean, the media would never spin a situation to gin up some controversy for ratings, right?

  3. 43 minutes ago, tantric superman said:

    You mean "standing around waiting for their bus looking sharp in the red MAGA hats or their heroes and mentors?" 

    Didn't say they had good taste.  Just they didn't start anything or harass anyone.  They got approached and taunted.  Then they stood there laughing about it as kids are wont to do.

    One of the kids was black and repeatedly got called the N-word.  


    Anyone acting like they were victimized by these kids is a fucking joke.  Anyone pretending these kids started shit is a fucking moron.


    • Fuck You 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Horn Under a Bad Sign said:


    Might wanna pump the brakes on that.

    The full, unedited video is out and the white kids never approach the Native Americans.  It was the other way around.  The harassment was coming from the other groups there protesting while the kids were just standing around waiting for their bus.   You got bamboozled. 

    Lawsuits incoming is my guess.


  5. 44 minutes ago, Burt Macklin said:

    Offenses are changing and rules to protect the QB have never been stronger. Looking backwards for a comp isn’t a very good method to assess his chances of success. 

    That all may be true, yet QBs still get hurt all the fucking time.  Ask Alex Smith.  Ask Colt.  Ask Cam Newton.  Ask Garoppolo. 

    I can see some NFL teams thinking that by drafting Murray they'd be getting the next Mahomes.  Problem is, Mahomes is a gamer who isn't afraid of contact, has a much bigger arm, and isn't an effeminate bitch made out of paper.  Oh, and he can also see over his offensive line. 

    I won't ever underestimate the stupidity of the NFL, but if they have any common sense he's no better than late 2nd round.  And that's pushing it.  Especially considering he hasn't even proven he's all in on football.  You're going to blow a top round pick on this guy just hoping he doesn't decide to bail to baseball? 

    • Like 2
  6. 14 hours ago, gmr548 said:

    This is spot on. I am 6'2", played center in HS, and was "205" pounds on the roster, which meant 190-195. Obviously at that size I relied on technique. I could hold my own against guys 75-100lbs heavier than me by getting under them, but we played a couple of NTs that were something like 5'10" and about 230. They just whipped me. You can't get under them and you can't move them. It was demoralizing. Add Poona's quickness and arm length? Goddamn nightmare.

    I've airways chucked when peoole dismiss him or any other DT based on height. Clearly they have never attempted to block anyone.

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

    Amen.  Height does matter somewhat.  At QB.  At WR.  It sure as fuck don't matter if you're an interior D-Lineman.  Leverage, power, and technique are what matters. 

    Ask Casey Hampton.  Dude was all of an inch taller than Poona and he dominated the NFL for years.

    Do these NFL mouth breathers even watch fucking tape on these guys they're drafting?  Or do they just have a checklist of physical attributes that a player has to mark off to be worthy of getting drafted?

  7. Yeah, not worried in the slightest about this. 

    $EC QBs can throw all day against $EC defenses running ancient schemes and playing hard against the run (actually, most of them suck at this anyway).  Good fucking luck to the kid when he has to throw 50 times a game into an array of different looks. 

    Also, there ain't gonna be no 3-4 games off a year to play the Sisters of the Poor down in FCS w/ that nice off week in November.

    Oh, and this is still the Dirt Burglars defense we're talking about.  No more "Hey, my defense got me the ball back after one series and I get to sit on a fat lead the entire game and make safe throws!"  Every game is going to be a race.  A race where if he falters, they're fucked. 

    And didn't this guy get beat out by a fucking Freshman? 

    • Like 3
  8. 15 hours ago, ABSR said:

    Number 3 doesn't even really capture the full impact of 1 less conference game.   Playing Cup Cake State in the second or third to the last week let's them get healthy and get a gimme win not just for each team, but for the conference.

    This shit is what blows my mind.  Scheduling cream puffs is something everyone does.  The SEC takes it to another level, but ok.  But how in the fuck do they get away with scheduling the Sisters of the Poor in fucking November? 

    I don't even give a fuck about the SOS changes.  Just having basically a bye week that deep in the season is like cheating.  Bama and Co. play cream puffs early.  Then they play their overhyped sister-fucking cousins in conference.  Then, while a team like Texas is slogging through tough conference games every fucking week and desperately trying to avoid injuries, the SEC fucks are sitting at home, taking it easy, and then playing the first half against some nobodies before they let all the third stringers get some game time.

    It's fucking criminal. 


  9. 7 hours ago, WBT said:

    Tldr, looked like 7000-9000 words at least

    Yeah, don't bother.  It's a lot of Fisher making excuses and trying to take credit for shit he had dick all to do with.

    Thankfully, this asshole is never going to sniff the NFL ever again.  The NFL is full of awful coaches, NFL GMs and owners are dumb as shit and will hire basically anyone, yet ol' 7-9 still can't get a phone call.  Good fucking riddance.


    • Like 1
  10. Good luck in the NFL, big fella.  Spend every day from now until the Combine running sprints and trying to improve that 40 time.  Because we all know you're going to kill it in the League, but NFL scouts might be some of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

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