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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. 1 minute ago, Neonmoon said:

    Bama is not even trying. They will go score now and end this shit. 

    Saban does this.  He did it against us in '09.  Bama gets a lead and then they sit on it.  If the game ever gets close again he opens it back up.

    • Like 1
  2. Obviously airports are a no-go, but imagine the clusterfuck in 20 years when drones are flying everywhere delivering packages and doing other shit.  You're gonna have to be dodging drones while you're out walking the dog, the police will be killing people with drones if they don't put their hands up quick enough, etc.  I, for one, do not welcome our drone overlords.

  3. 15 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    I oppose any notion that Kenau Reeves is a bad actor. He’s different. He’s subdued. Zen, Not bad

    Point Break, Constantine, Devils Advicate, Speed, Dracula, Much Ado About Nothing



    All of this.

    Tons of actors are great at emoting, not acting.  They don't act like normal fucking people and their performances override the character they're supposed to be portraying.

    Keanu doesn't do that shit.  Doesn't mean he's a bad actor.  It means he's humble enough to not make the entire movie about him.  Which makes him relatable. 

    He's arguably one of the greatest action movie actors ever.  Putting aside the insane amount of work he puts in to learn martial arts, use weapons, etc., his acting style allows the audience to put themselves in his shoes as the lead.  You make the Matrix with anyone else and it probably fucking sucks (I think Will Smith was in the running at one point and hoo boy that would have been a trainwreck).  Keanu plays stuck, bored, corporate slacker/malcontent to a T and then perfectly encapsulates what all of us would be like if we got sucked out into a dystopia where robots use humans as batteries.

    Oh, and unlike all the other kiddie diddling creeps and assholes in Hollywood, he's a good dude.  Gave away a ton of his money to the people that worked on the Matrix, IIRC.  He's like #2 behind Tom Hanks as all-time nice guys in show business. 

    • Like 4
  4. Must be nice to be Canelo.  At best he deserved to come away from his two fights with Golovkin with a loss and a draw.  In a just world, two losses.  Instead he gets a win and a draw out of the deal.  Now he's being paid an insane amount of money to fight way overmatched guys like Fielding. 


  5. These offenses will never be stopped.  Because the people running the sport don't want them to be stopped.

    The Big 12 refs hardly ever call holding because the Big 12 is the pass-happy Air Raid league and calling holding every other play like they should would shut that down.

    The NFL wants more points.  So they've structured the game to where that happens.  Like PI being thrown on any 'ol ticky tack contact with a receiver.  They've also been able to give themselves cover from the concussion/physical damage problem while also ramping the scoring up by making QBs untouchable and flagging any semi-hard hit a defender gives out. 

    If defenses somehow manage to evolve to combat this stuff then the people running college football and the NFL will just slap more rules on to make sure offenses stay out in front. 

    • Like 1
  6. Which numbnuts last week was saying Sanchez was better than Colt?  The Skins had a shot at the playoffs with Colt in there.  With Sanchez they're not going to win another game.

  7. Dude shills for Ohio St. when he can.  Obviously he couldn't do that much this year what with all the wife beating and covering it up and whatnot.  After Ohio St., he's a good little employee and shills for the $EC because of ESPN's contract with them.  There's a reason $EC teams schedule a bunch of FCS pansies each and every year.  Because they can get away with it because the sports media is in their pocket.  Fucking Kentucky whose QB looks like he belongs in Pop Warner has been ranked in the Top 25 all damn year.  Gotta keep those $EC teams in the rankings so when they finally get matched up against a legit $EC team they can boost the SOS so it evens out all the directional schools and Sisters of the Poor Alabama, Georgia, and the rest play.

    Fuck Hitler Youth Herbie, fuck those mongoloids from the dark recesses of Ohio, fuck "lets insert politics into all of our sports coverage" ESPN, and fuck this lame ass 4 team playoff where some hacks in a back room decide who gets to go. 

    • Like 1
  8. 14 minutes ago, NowThis said:

    Colt was never known for his arm strength and Sanchez is better.  This is probably the last we see of Colt.

    Colt was 4 for 4 for a 12.5 YPA before going out.  He's better than "Butt Sack" Sanchez by a country mile. 

  9. 1 hour ago, BurdineBandit said:

    Who has Golovkin ever lost to that he beat 11 rounds to 1? 

    Good scrap. Went all according to script (power vs. boxing skills script) aside from the questionable decision. I was rooting for Wilder, but yes Fury probably still deserved a win after that fight. 

    Just commenting on the judges screwing fighters over.

    And Golovkin beat the piss out of Canelo in their first match.  He was all over him from start to finish and it took the most outrageous scorecard anyone has ever seen from one judge (even worse than the Mexican judge in this fight) to make it a draw.  Hell, the scorecard that had it a draw in Golovkin v. Canelo 1 was criminal in and of itself.  Was it as lopsided as this fight?  No.  Still awful though.


  10. 4 minutes ago, hobbes2702 said:

    Wilder got his ass kicked a good bit by Ortiz in that fight and was losing on rounds until the KO. The size of Fury is a huge problem for Wilder. That and Wilder still can’t fucking box after 41 professional fights. I don’t see anyway Wilder could stand in against Joshua.

    Yeah, it's rather amazing how poor a boxer Wilder is after this many fights.  Dude just wildly swings until he lands one upside your head.  Has no jab to speak of.  Has no real defense. 

    Of course, it doesn't really matter because of how poor the heavyweight division is.  He's been able to rack up 40 wins and 39KOs doing the same basic shit. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Goo Punch said:

    yeah, this is the only answer. but i predicted the split decision- just not the draw. still not surprised. leave it to boxing to once again fuck it up and tell you that you didn't see what you just saw. rematch should be good though.

    Golovkin is sitting watching this decision going "Yep.  I've seen this shit before."

    Unless your name is Floyd Mayweather, you better put your opponent to sleep if you want to ensure you get the victory.  If you ever let it go to the judges you can't count on shit.

  12. Tyson Fury got up just like the Undertaker.  I don't know how the fuck he got up from that shit. 

    Wilder was completely gassed or he would have finished Fury in the 12th.

    Fury probably deserved that win, even with the two knockdowns.  He was working Wilder the entire time.

    And congrats to Olexsander Gvodzk on knocking out Adonis Stephenson earlier in the night.  Nice dude with a lot of talent and has Teddy Atlas in his corner.  These Ukrainians ain't nothing to fuck with.

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