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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. Just now, Radical Larry said:

    Gurley did it earlier this season. 

    Did he?  Good for him then.  Don't be selfish and secure the win.

    I seem to remember the Eagles doing it against the Cowboys once. 

  2. Yeah, I don't think high school kids need to be laying each other the fuck out.  99% of them are never going to play football after the Fall semester of their Senior year.  No point in taking serious damage so a high school coach can get a pay raise when he jumps ship to a bigger school.

    I got knocked around pretty good playing offensive tackle, but I got a serious concussion one time.  Went to cut block the opposing DT and his knee caught me on the top of my helmet.  When I came around everyone had already huddled up for the next play.  I literally was seeing green.  Everything had a green tinge to it.  I also couldn't remember simple shit like my blocking assignment for 38 Power or Toss Right.  Never came out of the game.  O-line coach asked me if I was alright and I told him I couldn't remember a damn thing and that he sorta looked like Kermit the Frog.  He told me not to worry and that I'd be fine for the 2nd half. 

    Had one of our teammates take a huge hit and he had to be care flighted out.  He almost ended up paralyzed.  Five foot six, 135 pounds, was never going to sniff a football field after that season was over.  Almost ended up a paraplegic over a game. 

    I enjoyed my time playing and I suppose it taught me some shit, but it sure as fuck wasn't worth getting a lifetime's worth of damage over.  I think you can encourage not killing each other and still have it be football.

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  3. 5 hours ago, Napoleon said:


    Colt is probably the best In-Game Replacement 2nd Team QB in the league, but before the roughing the QB calls of this year, he never could stay healthy longer than 2 or 3 games. 

    He physically has never been able to handle the beatdown of playing QB full-time in the NFL.

    Perhaps now that protecting the QB has gone to unforeseen heights, he might be able to last the rest of this season in fairly decent health. 

    Colt didn't have any real injury problems until James Harrison laid him out on a cheap shot and gave him a horrid concussion.  Look at this shit.  Any QB would have been done after that.  It was so bad that even back then before protecting the QB was a sacred thing like it is now, they suspended Harrison for a game.


    The only other injury he had, IIRC, was a sprained ankle which kept him out a few weeks.  His real problem was playing for the godawful Browns.  His receivers led the league (by a wide margin) in dropped passes.  He was screwed from the jump there, just like every other poor son of a bitch who has had the misfortune of being drafted by them.

    Anyway, Colt is a fucking baller.  Calling it now.  He takes the Redskins to the playoffs.  And I'm thinking the Cowboys are in for a Turducken surprise on Thursday like they saw the last time Colt played them on MNF.

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  4. The good ol' crackback block.  In my day it was a strategy the coaches worked on with the WRs.  The harder you laid a dude out the more stickers you got for your helmet the next day while we watched film.

    Never once was a flag thrown for it, even if the kid that got laid out had to be carted off on a stretcher.  Surprised they're still letting folks get away with it in this day and age, however.

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