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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. Ya know the really sad part?  In the Big 12 you can give up 28 fucking points a game and still comfortably win every fucking game w/ a half decent offense.  Because everyone else's defense sucks dick.  Just don't give up more than 4 fucking TDs a game.  You'll win every time.  Yet we're completely incapable of pulling that off.  And we lose to these nobodies. 

    When your offense has to score 50+ to ensure a win you've got beyond serious problems with your team.  Please, someone hire Orlando away from here.  Dude should never show his face in Austin again.  Even at the worst of the Mack era w/ Diaz we were never even close to this bad.  And it's week after fucking week. 



  2. 1 hour ago, Goo Punch said:

    dude, there does not have to be some huge conspiracy for somebody to get railroaded. the system is not set up to actually find justice. these people are all on the same team, they don't have to conspire to cover for each other. small town cops railroading a poor family that's unpopular in the town doesn't require an ocean's 11 type of caper. it's too easy to pull off.

    also, they did fuck up, in like a thousand ways that kathleen zellner laid out pretty clearly. i mean, one example of an ENORMOUS fuck up is that fat fuck kratz giving that press conference and sticking with the story of a grisly, gruesome, incredibly violent and bloody murder for which there's is *zero evidence*. the forensics prove beyond any doubt that the prosecution's case was 100% fantasy, and yet people still have doubts. 


    jesus this subject grinds my gears. 

    Yeah, it ain't like these podunk cops and lawyers had to be moustache-twirling super geniuses. 

    They spent WEEKS out at the Avery property.  It wasn't like they had to think all this shit up on the fly and get all their stories straight overnight.  They knew they wanted to convict Avery but didn't have enough evidence to do so.  So they drop a bullet, they drop a car key, smear some blood/DNA of Avery's they already had in their possession, and feed a mentally challenged 16-year old some info and get it on tape as a "confession" so it can magically line up with this new evidence they find.  Kratz holds a press conference to skew public opinion against Avery and lies about the value of some evidence so the defense doesn't go after it. 

    Who exactly has to be involved in that conspiracy?  It isn't hundreds to thousands of people as would be required to fake a moon landing or 9/11.  It's maybe 3-5 people, max.  All of whom are insulated from any consequences and highly motivated to make sure this comes off the way they want. 

    And yeah, they fucked up all over the place.  It wasn't like they smooth criminaled this shit. 

    • Like 4
  3. 2 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Perhaps you’ve missed the news. The shooting has already started. Tree of Life Synagogue our front shoulda told ya.

    Well, you would know, wouldn't ya?  You done your research on how to kill that troll from this board yet?  Or have you been too busy posting to get around to it? 

    You would make a good commissar to spur the troops on as they charge the enemy lines, Brisket.  Get yourself a fancy hat and some fake medals and you'd be all set.

  4. Just now, MissingInAction said:

    Lost the battle, but the war is in full tilt.

    What a wonderful country we live in.  Where politics is war and you HAVE to pick a side.  Soon we'll be lined up shooting at each other and the ideologues will be screaming us all on to die for the party.  Sounds grand.


    • Like 1
  5. 5 hours ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    I get assuming I have some knowledge coming in to fill in background gaps in the story, but I feel there is a real difference between that and assuming I’ve been watching ducking cartoons otherwise the plot is literally impossible. 

    Yeah, I really hate this new(ish) thing movie studios have been doing, especially Disney. 

    Their movie makes no fucking sense because you need to read a book, or a comic, or some other supplemental material.  With stuff like C-3PO's red arm it doesn't really affect the movie too much, but when you're tossing major characters like Maul back in and shit it just gets ridiculous.

  6. Whether or not Avery killed Halbach can be debated.  I think it's highly unlikely he did, but you can't ever know for sure unless someone comes out and confesses to it. 

    What isn't up for debate is the following:

    Dassey didn't do shit.  He was coerced into giving the cops the story they wanted to hear.  Nothing he said made any fucking sense until the cops fed him information and then had him spit it back out at them.  They had zero physical evidence Dassey was involved with Halbach's murder. 

    Dassey had completely ineffective council.  His lawyer was a fucking moron and was actively fucking him over.

    There was evidence planted, manipulated, and withheld all to make sure Avery went down for the crime. 

    Dassey was convicted on a confession that told a story of a lady being tied up, raped, throat cut, disemboweled, and then shot in the head.  Avery was convicted on an entirely different story.  So the State doesn't even have a coherent and sane story backed by evidence.  According to them, this lady was killed two different ways.

    The State had motive to make sure Avery went down for the crime.  Several million motives. 

    The authorities never once considered anyone else for the crime.  Halbach had a creepy ex-boyfriend that was never a suspect.  There are a horde of other people that live out on the Avery property.  None of them were even slightly looked at as suspects (besides bamboozling Brendan Dassey to help them convict Steven Avery).  Not even the guy who lived right next to Steven who had child porn, murder porn, and tons of pics of dead women on his computer. 

    I think it'd be nice to know who actually killed Halbach, but really that's not the point of all of this.  The point is that two guys got fucking railroaded by corrupt, small town authorities and then the entire State judicial apparatus just said fuck it, we don't care and decided to let both of these guys sit in prison.  The cornerstone of our judicial system is that you're supposed to get a fair trial.  Neither Dassey or Avery got that.  Even if they both committed the crime exactly BOTH ways Ken Kratz says they did (hint: they didn't), they should walk because of all the misconduct.

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, SuingToGetAMessageBoard? said:

    How was Darth Mail in this movie? He died when Vader was a little kid, and Han is friends with Vader’s kid.  


    They brought him back in the cartoons with metal spider legs and then eventually regular robot legs.  He's gone mad and is consumed about getting his revenge on Kenobi.  Then Kenobi does him the favor of cutting him down on Tatooine. 

    He actually was one of the best part of the 'toons, but shoehorning him into this movie was dumb as fuck. 


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