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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. 40 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Uh huh. Yeah keep telling yourself that. Next time NOAA says duck and cover go on out and tell the storm that line of BS.

    while your at it get off the goddamn roads since you don't want to fucking pay for it. 

    And don't you ever think of calling 911.

    Kindly fuck off and head off to where there are no laws. 



  2. 4 minutes ago, Ted Lange said:

    This is why nobody believes or takes your straw man building, fake libertarians seriously.  So much stupid 

    Whatever.  Keep that circle jerk lubed up, buddy.  It's obviously done wonders for the CR.  This place is just a beacon on the fucking hill now that ya'lls cabal is way past discussion and straight on into personal attacks, death threats, and painting anyone who disagrees w/ you as w/e you need them to be to make yourselves feel better.


    • Haha 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:

    Pretty sure that 99.5% of Libertarian voters are chock full of shit. I have yet to see one that had a coherent argument other than Taxes Are Theft. Go. Live in the boonies. The rest of us have a world that requires a vast infrastructure. 

    Yet the government does dick to keep that infrastructure up and running and in good working condition.  But they've got plenty of time and money to bomb brown people halfway around the planet, give themselves raises, and make sure their corporate overlords are taken care of.

    But hey, you just gotta get "your guy or gal" voted in and it'll all be fixed, right?  Funny, we've had all these years to get the right people in there and we're still swinging and missing.  The government you love so much gave us the Iraq War, torture, murder of women and children, a vast spy network turned on its own populace, $20 trillion and counting in debt, and now Donald Trump.  Congrats on that. 


  4. 45 minutes ago, Bozo_Casanova said:

    Right, you’re a “libertarian”. You vote Republican consistently because both sides.

    Never voted for a single Republican in my life.  Glad to know you, Michael, and the rest of the goon squad around here are mind readers.  Must have gained those super powers from having your heads so far up your own asses.

    This is why people hate fucking liberals.  You're just about as awful as the Trumpkins.  Don't fawn over Obama?  ZOMG he's a Nazi!  Fuck off with that lame bullshit.


  5. 1 hour ago, Michael Knight said:

    I'm gonna guess you've never turned that healthy skepticism on the troops. They're all role models of course and fighting for our glorious freedoms. Cops too are also wonderful, no reserve your contempt for Democrat politicians

    The fuck?   

    I'm a Libertarian.  All I have is skepticism for everything involved with the government.  Troops, corrupt unaccountable intelligence agencies, and everything involved with our interventionism and bolstering of the military-industrial complex included. 

    And dress-up, pretend at being soldiers cops can go fuck themselves. 

    And my contempt isn't reserved for Democratic politicians alone.  I give it freely to each and every politician with a D or an R in front of their name.  Fuck 'em.  Our government needs a power-washing from top to bottom.  So don't try selling me on this "Obama was so great and an awesome role model!" horseshit.  Dude was just George Bush with better public speaking skills.


  6. 1 hour ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Yeah, well you're a fucking idiot.  The viral inability for most Americans to see the ridiculously difficult job for what it is lets opinions like yours flourish, when in fact your opinion is EXACTLY what is fucking our country up by setting a standard that basically says "anything goes".

    Fuck you for that.

    You need a Brisket level timeout.  Your self-righteous grandstanding is starting to turn sour just like his.


    • Haha 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, jimmyjazz said:

    Is that all he offers as a role model in your opinion?

    I think all kids should be able to look up to and admire a guy who had zero problems firing Hellfire missiles into weddings and just launching them at cellphones without actually verifying if the bad guys had the phone on them.  And killing 16-year old American citizens because their pops wasn't a good dude. 

    I'll chalk a bunch of it up to the awfulness of Trump, but the lengths people go to suck off Obama because he acted chill and cool is beyond me.  That's all Americans really want.  Someone that acts the part.  Doesn't matter what they actually do.  Just some Americans want a dignified puppet and some want a raging firebrand.  These rose-tinted glasses in respect to Obama are just as pathetic as the people who think Bush is swell now that Trump is around.  I don't know how far back you'd have to go to find a President that wasn't a fucking shitbird.  Maybe Carter?  None of them are role models.  If they were, they wouldn't ever make it to the Presidency in the first place.

    • Like 1
    • Fuck You 1
  8. On 9/28/2018 at 2:18 PM, wood said:

    Think about this ... VY won almost 2/3 of his starts under Fisher, even with Fisher completely misusing him, marginalizing his strengths, & making him play to his weaknesses. People are raving about Goff now and rightfully so. He was winless under Fisher and is 15-4 since. Think VY coulda done significantly better than 30-17 with a different coach? Yeah, I do.

    Anyone who thinks Fisher didn't massively limit VY's production is a fucking idiot.

    What people also forget is that Vince had almost zero help around him during his time with the Titans because of Fisher's ineptitude in the draft.

    Anyone remember Roydell Williams?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  How about Ben Troupe?  Brandon Jones?  Nate "I drop almost everything thrown my direction" Washington?  Vince didn't have a receiver worth a shit outside of our boy Scaife until Kenny Britt showed up.  And it ain't like Britt was some world beater.

    For some reason, the Titans kept deciding to draft RBs.  Chris Brown was a fumble prone loser.  Then Lendale White struggled to gain 4 YPC with teams having to worry about Vince running, too.  Instead of taking a guy like Jamaal, the Titans drafted Johnson who had that one amazing season (which was when Collins was the starter, IIRC) and then proceeded to fall off a cliff. 

    I don't know of any QB who has had less to work with in his time in the NFL.  Usually, when you draft a guy #3 overall who you want to be your franchise QB, you go get some talent to help him out.  Guess Fisher skipped that day of Coaching/Building a Team Worth a Shit 101.  Along with Intro to Scoring Touchdowns and Not Field Goals. 

    • Like 2
  9. The hilarious part is when players/fans from some other team in the Big12 do the Horns down after something good happens for them when they're not actually playing us

    Glad to know we're all up in your head space that much. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Goo Punch said:

    none of the male judges at the 7th circuit ever gave dassey a chance. they had no interest in even trying to consider the facts. 

    Yeah, don't ever find yourself accused of a serious crime.  Because unless you're ultra-rich and can afford the absolute best lawyers, you're fucked six ways from Sunday. 

    The entire justice system is built on conflicts of interest.  The police are only interested in finding a perp to pin the crime on whether the evidence is there or not.  The prosecutor is only concerned with getting a conviction and gives zero shits whether or not he's actually prosecuting the right person.  The "experts" the State brings in to bolster their case are only interested in getting paid, which means saying w/e the prosecutor wants them to say.  The judge just wants to get reelected.  Letting people go and tagging DAs for bogus cases isn't going to help that.  Then all the way up through the appeals process, the higher courts have no vested interest in finding out the truth and making sure justice is done.  They're only concerned with assuring the public the legal system is competent and that supposed bad guys are staying locked up.  You think they want to burn down all the idiots below them on the totem pole that hold them up?  Oh, and potentially cost the State millions of dollars in a civil suit by letting someone out of prison that doesn't deserve to be there? 

    Don't ever be at the wrong place at the wrong time and find yourself accused of a crime you didn't commit.  And NEVER TALK TO THE POLICE.  If poor Brendan Dassey had had someone to tell him that he'd have been free this entire time.  Instead he just let those corrupt fucks walk him into a long ass prison sentence.


    • Like 3
  11. 1 hour ago, Jersey Man10 said:

    I didn't like it because the ending sucked and didn't feel like star wars. Everyone went from serious in TFA to morons. Po was the not the same Po from TFA. Fin was about the same. HUX lost all respect between the 2 movies and was a joke.

    The worst part is all the mystery from TFA was GONE. Where did snoke come from? The lightsaber? Who are the knights of ren? Who was that old dude at the beginning? The republic? C3P0's red arm????

    I feel like it's a big FUCK YOU from Disney. TLJ didn't explain shit. It just glossed over all that shit from TFA. What is 9 gonna be about anyway? Kylo vs Rey again? Thats all that's left to tell and felt like a huge waste similar to TFA.

    I don't even give a shit what happens next but I'll still go see 9 first viewing because why not.

    Yeah, I think Rian totally shit the bed and I will never be ok with Luke being a pussy and a quitter.  That being said, I think he might have done a better job if Kennedy didn't have her head completely jammed up her ass.

    You need a coherent vision for a trilogy.  Especially for one that has as deep and rich of a backstory as Star Wars.  Marvel, like the Russians, don't take a dump without a plan and it has paid off for them in spades.  Instead of following that model, Kennedy handed the reins to JJ and let him do his thing.  Which is to copy the crap out of stuff we've seen before while throwing in his mystery boxes.  That would have worked if the next guy she brought in was under strict rules to pay all of JJ's stuff off and keep the train on the tracks.  Instead, she let Rian go hog wild.  He didn't do a good job AND it didn't match up with TFA.  You don't hand the keys over to a guy like him smack dab in the middle of your trilogy if you're going to let him veer off into crazy town. 

    Of course then you tack on the Trevorrow firing, rehiring JJ (too little, too late), the nonsense with the original directors on Solo and its subsequent bombing, etc., and I just keep wondering why Kennedy still has a job. 

    Though really, what is anyone really expecting at this point?  You aren't getting the magic of the OT back.  Star Wars is now a corporatized cash cow and ain't no one doing it for the love of Star Wars (except maybe Filoni).  Disney certainly ain't.  The best you can hope for is a movie that is above average and "feels" like Star Wars.  Except w/ TLJ those folks have shown they don't give a shit about that, either.  Luke Skywalker is one of the most iconic characters in film history and they just shat all over him.  Chewbacca is there just to boost toy sales.  Any interest in the main storyline movies I have is over.  All I hope is that occasionally a really talented director will get the chance to make a spinoff that shines.

    • Like 4
  12. 1 minute ago, TrashMaster G said:

    In your coach's story, it was a heroic solo tackle.  In reality, it was him and seven teammates.

    Hah!  No doubt.  He told it with such pride.  It's been so long, but I want to say one of the times he told it he said he didn't even go for Earl's legs. 

  13. 1 hour ago, preznick555 said:

    The Pittman long TD catch at the end of the first half of the OU game was so cathartic. 

    So I got to UT in the Fall of '02.  I had to sit there and watch OU manhandle us every year.  Then in '05 I got the chance to go with a big group of friends but had another thing I could have gone to instead of the game.  Decided, fuck it, Vince is awesome and I don't want to miss him playing even if the Burglars have our number.  I was nervous the entire time until Pittman caught that pass.  I kept thinking it was just a matter of time until Mack fucked up and the Burglars came back.  After that catch I knew we were going to blow them the fuck out. 

    We were right behind the OU bench and we kept ridiculing Bomar the entire game.  Like, the entire section we were in was giving him shit for the whole game.  I actually felt slightly bad for him after he got demolished on that sack.  For about a second or two. 

  14. Had a teacher/coach in high school who would tell over and over the story about how back when he was in high school he tackled Earl one time.  At the time, none of us knew who the hell this Earl guy was and we thought said coach was lame for bragging about it.  After finding out who Earl was and watching him steamroll people?  Yeah, gotta give that coach a little respect, especially since he isn't a big guy.  /csb

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