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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. I had dudes try kneeing me in the nuts, poking my eyes, and chop blocks were frequent.  Poor ass, redneck West Texas kids DGAF.  Never had anyone try choking me out and slamming my head repeatedly into the turf though. 

    That kid is banned from football if I'm running the show at Rapist Central ISD.     

  2. Decided to do a 7-day fast for shits and giggles this week.  Today is day three and I feel great.  Down six more pounds.  Puts me over 120 for the year. 

    The past month or so I'd upped my cals to try and slow down my weight loss to avoid loose skin issues, but now I'm thinking I'm just going to keep doing these extended fasts and hope autophagy does its thing.  Still going to keep lifting and try to stay toned up, but I've got 250 in my sights and its only a hop, skip, and a jump from there to 200.

    However, I think I've got myself into a bit of trouble.  I don't see my parents often, but they invited me to go see the Rangers a couple of weeks back.  They kept going on about how much weight I'd lost, etc. and they got the whole story about keto and IF out of me.  My mother was quite overweight back in the day and she lost it all and has kept most all of it off (and she's 62) and she just wanted to know every little thing I was doing.  Anyway, long story short, my mom is doing IF and my pops emailed me the other day and told me he was doing keto and had already lost 14 pounds.  The fuck did I do? /McNulty 

  3. 8 hours ago, Lagunamadre said:

    How do you know? What was she doing prior to this video that warranted a dude punching her in the face? 

    There is video of her throwing bottles and shit.  She ain't no innocent.  Of course, you should know that just from the fact she showed up with Antifa in a mask to harrass/attack people (whether you agree with them, like them, etc.) who had a license/permit to be there.

  4. 3 hours ago, LTtxfan said:

    Leave it to a Stoops to:

    1.  Throw his players under the bus

    2.  Blame everything and everyone but himself

    3.  Play the "Fake News" card

    What a steaming pile of dick munching shit those brothers are.  Goodbye and good riddance. 

  5. 14 hours ago, spystud13 said:




    UFC has a real problem lately with events being screwed by guys getting injured. 

    Which makes me think we're gonna see Conor back in the ring sooner rather than later.  Dude is help keeping them afloat.

  6. High rate of speed, a roll over, and probably no one wearing seat belts.  Doesn't seem a stretch that they all died. 

    You ever watch one of those videos of a car crash where someone isn't wearing a seat belt?  Even if they don't get ejected, their body turns into a missile that slams into everyone else in the vehicle.

  7. I'm confused as to why you guys are arguing any of this.  Any true college football fan knows that past the top 5 teams, the rankings are a crap shoot.  And the top 5 rankings are a crapshoot until you get a good few weeks into the season. 

    Alabama deserves to be #1.  The rest of the Top 5 is basically interchangeable.  Everyone past that is just slapped in there somewhere because we have to have a weekly Top 25. 

  8. Our entrance was through a canvas, reusable sign that had velcro holding it together in the middle.  I'd always try to stay right up front because I didn't want to get tripped up in the scum and look like a dumbass.  My plan worked perfectly until one windy night when one side of the canvas whipped back and wrapped around my helmet and almost broke my damn neck.  It spun me around, but luckily I didn't fall on my ass and played it off like nothing happened.  /csb

    Now the kids at my old school have that new rubberized turf and a giant inflatable head they run out of.  /oldmanyellsatcloud

  9. 9 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    Good luck finding "dagastan man #6"

    He's a teammate of Khabib's and is a UFC fighter.  I think they'll have no problems banning his ass.  And if he doesn't want to get arrested he probably needs to be hopping on a plane out of the country right now.

    Edit:  Whoops.  They're already in cuffs.

  10. 6 minutes ago, Dropout said:

    Khabib gives no fucks about money. It’s his legacy. It’s his family. It’s his respect. Conor shat all over that until that cage was locked. Then he shat himself. Doubt Conor wants any part of a rematch. He knows better now.

    That's the difference here.

    Conor is all show.  It's all a money making scheme for him.

    Khabib is the real deal.  That dude just loves to wrestle and fuck dudes up.  So he's not playing these silly promotional, "let's try to boost the PPV buys" game.  You talk shit about his family, his country, attack him and his teammates/friends like with the bus incident, etc. he's going to take it personally.

    If I was Dana White I'd:  fine Khabib and suspend him for a bit (though maybe he doesn't care because of retirement), let Conor slink off with his money, and nail that guy who sucker punched Conor to the wall.  Whoever that guy was he's done in the UFC and he needs charges brought up on him. 


  11. Absolutely terrible decision by Khabib to go over the fence.  Even more classless for his teammate to sucker punch Conor.

    That being said, I can't imagine this was all just out of the blue.  Conor and his team love talking shit and I'm guessing they went a bit too far.  That nonsense works when you're fighting other people, but not hardcore Russians.

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