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Posts posted by SpiralOut

  1. 1 minute ago, AUS-97HORN said:

    LOL.... or its us just being fucking stupid.  Sam rolling to his left on the short side of the field is a long-term net-loss

    When they lined up for that play I was sure we were going to go for a short throw to the right where we had a man uncovered.  Instead we're rolling Sam left short side.  It worked that time, but I don't see how that's a high percentage play.

  2. As angry as it still makes me that Fisher ruined Vince's career, I take solace in the fact that history will view both of them how it should.  Vince will be remembered as a great guy who was a winner.  People will remember him calling his shot after beating Michigan in the Rose Bowl and backing it up.  People will remember 4th and 5.  His legend is assured and he's a guy who deserves it.  Vince was amazing on the field and he's shown himself to be an amazing human being off the field.

    Meanwhile, what will Fisher be remembered for?  Being a hateful loser.  Even his greatest success in taking the Titans to the SB will always be remembered for them falling short.  And guess what?  He deserves it, too.


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  3. 1 minute ago, DaysOff said:
    1 minute ago, SpiralOut said:
    Maybe parity in CFB is actually a thing?  Louisiana Tech is giving LSU all they can handle.  Va Tech goes down to Old freaking Dominion.  The list goes on.

    Texas lost to Maryland

    Hey, you don't just walk into Redskins stadium w/ almost zero Maryland fans after they killed a player and get gifted a win.

  4. You know what I'm really fucking enjoying?  Watching our guys knock the shit out of these cockroaches.  We've been soft as baby shit the past few years.  Guys seemed to be afraid of contact.  Now guys are out there fucking flying around and taking scalps.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Eastwood said:
    2 minutes ago, SpiralOut said:
    When did college kickers become so shitty?

    With that miss, Song is now 11/12 for his college career. His first miss and he hit his first 11 in a row.

    Ah, ok.

    Besides our woes, it seems like we've been seeing a lot of misses from other teams lately.

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