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Everything posted by utexas8

  1. Looks like holland out in CB for Powell to Texas
  2. Peyton Powells avi is a picture of him from this weekend.
  3. I don’t remember the exact quote but when ehlinger went down and rising became 2cnd string he asked Herman what he’s supposed to do. Maybe I’m blowing it out of proportion and I mean, he was 3rd string, but that’s kind of concerning.
  4. Shane’s self sacks to make a comeback! The thing that worries me is if Shane plays against OSU is Herman going to gameplan around Shane? He wouldn’t last year. Luckily, OSU is not good so maybe they can get away with it.
  5. I’m lazy but how close are LJH and C.J. to each reaching 1k this year. I know there was a graphic this week saying they have combined around 900. Has to help with recruiting WR’s.
  6. Looks like IT put out the humidor early
  7. Maybe they’ll offer a punter or PWO. Just in case the cousin doesn’t work out.
  8. IT isnt pumping the sunshine with sanders and bru that other sites are
  9. Anything good for IT’s recruiting scoop today?
  10. I won’t believe sanders until he visits again. Has he had his OV to bama yet?
  11. Game day going to be in Austin during WV game, if both don’t lose prior to that weekend? Any other big games that weekend?
  12. What number do yall think they’ll be on NSD #2?
  13. One of these years the Katy curse will be lifted. Maybe it’s him.
  14. Then again all 9.95ers make it seem like Texas has a real chance against Stanford when in reality they don’t.
  15. I remember early in his recruitment maybe spring or even earlier IT kept saying if Texas pushed he’d be a longhorn. Also made other references that Texas was slow playing him. Not like there was better options but they weren’t pushing/rushing him. Idk exact wording but they made it sound like he could’ve been a longhorn a long time ago.
  16. How many spots does Texas have left?
  17. Yep. It’s because there’s a shiny new 75 million dollar toy. Just like hermans 1st season didn’t impact the class. Next year though, will be interesting. A lot of kids are committing earlier too since you can take OV’s early. Which kind of hurts. Might’ve had a better chance with wilson if he waited to see that we actually throw the ball.
  18. This. And I can see Kyler running all over Texas but then I think of last year and how we almost beat them with baker. There’s hope.
  19. Need to say something about cesspool
  20. I checked Texas exes member ticket service and they said they only do it for home guys. Although it is considered a home game guess they mean just in Austin. Had to buy them on stub hub last week, they were $200/ticket for lower level section. Ended up being $270 after fees. Crazy. But I’m glad I bought them last week since most of them are not e tickets and have to be mailed.
  21. Ewok not Wookiee
  22. Lol yeah that one
  23. How can one make the Kyler Murray Ewok into a game day sign. Asking for a friend
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