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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. Right up the Sabine River. As is predicted.
  2. You must be new here. The heat dome will shift west and sit over CenTex, dragging Beryl up the Sabine River. Harris County will get 5 inches of rain and temps in the high 80s while CenTex gets 0 inches of rain and has 7 consecutive days of 102+.
  3. What an error.
  4. That's next year's thread.
  5. Wow, Schloss is taking a huge risk here and he could paint himself into a pitching corner if the bullpen is flat and he burns through 3-4 pitchers in a loss leading into tomorrow.
  6. Damn, pitcher was dealing up until that point.
  7. I think they topped Bing Bong. Harder to keep it together than the first time around.
  8. ConocoPhillips acquiring Marathon Oil, per my LinkedIn feed.
  9. Short float is only 21%. This time it really is just dumb apes. Shot at a gamma squeeze, but unless GME triggers a share buyback, I don't see this going 2021.
  10. Shoigu being replaced by a realtor who got his professional pic done at Glamour Shots. Dark times.
  11. This is exactly why I got out. The work is interesting and challenging enough, the pay can be decent if you’re busy, but good lord do bad realtors and clients take all the joy out of it. A good realtor is an absolute blessing and there are some great ones out there, but God have mercy the bad ones are so bad that they cause good people to change careers. And the ironic thing about that is the bad realtors are pushed out during hard times, so they stick around just long enough to run good people on the service side off. Then the market recovers and the good realtors have to deal with understaffed title and mortgage.
  12. Ubisoft has done this enough to where I think it’s intentional. They will get some whales/suckers/parents of spoiled kids to pay the markup in the first year, but it wouldn’t surprise me if their economic modeling is based on the subsequent year and holiday season when the price drops to a reasonable level.
  13. They should give him a deferred payout until Tesla’s FSD deferred revenue IOUs pay out.
  14. Ramonce was in court with some dude almost 17 years ago.
  15. If Surly had a yearbook, you’d win “Most likely to stare at an eclipse without protective glasses.”
  16. The clouds parted for us for about 10 seconds, which was just long enough to see the diamond ring. There was a layer of wispy cirrus, so I didn’t get to see any solar flares (if those were visible to the naked eye). Those 10 seconds sent a chill down my spine, I’m not going to lie. My day was extraordinarily busy up to that 30 minute window I blocked off and after, but I was traveling for work that evening and somewhere around 10 pm on my drive, I finally process what I saw and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Seeing a natural wonder so cosmic and rare has had a profound effect on me. Having experienced both the 2017 eclipse and this one, I will 100% vouch for the sentiment that the difference between totality and the fringe of totality is so, so vast. That additional 0.9% you get in totality is absolutely insane.
  17. http://tenor.com/Vzav.gif
  18. Hole in the clouds broke just around the sun during totality. Talk about luck. Glad I made the time for it.
  19. Clouds came back with a vengeance for me south of Austin. T minus 1.5 hours to main event. Bummer.
  20. Extremely bright where I am with a good bit of cloud cover, but some blue is starting to break through. Seems like the sun might be burning away some of the cover.
  21. H-E-B is name brand, at this point.
  22. Sloppiest basketball I’ve seen in a long time and straight up out-hustled.
  23. I have extensive experience in this industry and lump me into the camp that thinks this is the right move. The industry brought this on itself, a handful of the realtors I've ever worked with were worth the 6%, and even though it sucks for the hard workers, this industry will be a lot better after an adjustment period. It's time for the industry to become a meritocracy where good work really stands out, not a volume business where any Dick and Jane can get a license just to have access to the MLS and force escrow officers to do 90% of the legwork with the seller or just have access to the lockbox to let buyers in. The good ones who actually do this as a career and not a side gig need to hang in there. Once the dead weight is gone, there will be a lot more listings to go around.
  24. Your kin and my kin are neighbors, then. Very aware of the mindset out there.
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