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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Eastwood

  1. Taking so long because they are absolutely begging for an angle to screw Texas here.
  2. Maalik has the yips.
  3. Thank god we’re done with this shitty conference.
  4. Sweat isn’t just a physical talent, he plays incredibly smart football.
  5. Some of his most trusted members of the coaching staff need to have a conversation with Sark to bust him out of this red zone decision making.
  6. Yeah, doesn’t appear to be on Maalik. Even money on the DB getting beat and yanking Cook down with a no call.
  7. What a play call.
  8. I thought that meant “cold blooded.” Never made sense to me, but I’m an old compared to college kids now.
  9. Holy acceleration, Batman
  10. Beautiful pass. Hit Worthy right in the chest.
  11. Can’t even get a simple concept like no back-to-back timeouts right.
  12. Or Jerry Jones fighting to keep San Antonio from having an NFL team…
  13. Going to be hilarious when he pops for PEDs next year.
  14. The larger the group becomes, the less accountability each individual has. Soon, individual accountability is completely eroded and a group becomes capable of horrible things. The only way to prevent it from happening is making sure those in charge of the group maintain their individual accountability and have them understand that they are liable for the actions of the group. We have always fallen short, as a society, in doing that.
  15. If Sark has a hint of MackBrownitis, I could see him playing Quinn if both practiced equally purely because of the NIL/name recognition/big dollar component same as the Simms/Applewhite debacle.
  16. Kyler Murray got drafted. He’s only 12 lbs heavier and probably 4 inches shorter than Quinn. (I don’t trust that 5’10” number for Kyler, at all)
  17. A one loss, Big 12 champion Texas gets in the playoff no matter what OU does. Therefore, I hope OU never wins another game this season.
  18. I loved having those guys on the crew. It was job security when it came time to cut the fat. Will they keep the old curmudgeon who was over paid and barely worked or the scrappy young guy constantly turning in work product, cost less, and had the attitude of “learning every day”?
  19. Those leases still exist, by the way. They never left. I’ve never seen a grouchy Landman while in-house (I’m in the new school batch, I guess), but I have seen, and have had to do it myself personally, situations where we have to tell the rest of the company no on something because of land and legal. I know you guys want to go out there and break open some prime rock that has everyone in the building with a STEM degree creaming their pants, but we have to check the legal boxes first to make sure we have the right to do it. So, I am effectively being the Bad News Bear all the time. And don’t even get me started on the Production Accounting side. But I realize that I am raining on the parade and try not to be an asshole about it. We’re all just doing our jobs and when we’re all in sync, we make the company a lot of money.
  20. So that’s what that looks like when it happens to someone other than Texas.
  21. The most notable Prime effect has been the tackling. They tackle just like him.
  22. So, is my LinkedIn about to be flooded with XOM job openings, then?
  23. HEB sells eclipse glasses, as well.
  24. The DD on that acquisition will be never ending. They’ll be finding surprises on the land side for a decade or more.
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