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  1. mininghorn88


    This right here. They are good enough to get you hooked. You know you should quit watching but the urge to finish something you started is too strong. You complain about how crappy it has become but yet you welcome the next episode in order to just get it over with a certain amount of remaining interest and curiosity.
  2. Texas Parks and Wildlife releases statement on Longview mountain lion https://www.kltv.com/2024/12/12/texas-parks-wildlife-releases-statement-longview-mountain-lion/ Just saw this newsfeed. A mountain lion was struck by a Longview police car in Longview. They had to put the big cat down. There has been rumors about cats in the area so perhaps this confirms it.
  3. Of course it got down into the single digits last night so the system is all frozen so they are having to pump manually.
  4. I am sitting on a plane at the gate waiting to fly from MKE to ATL. Being delayed because they forgot to put fuel in the plane overnight.
  5. For the most part I have enjoyed this season but the “Sheridan Showboat” episode was an unmitigated disaster.
  6. Who is to say that they did not know who he was and just did not know where he was and did not want to tip their hand. The news people were incredulous too that he was “already” known.
  7. Reminds me of back in the day when I was still newly married, the ex-wife would go to, or host, baby and wedding showers. There would always be leftover finger sized sandwiches of the worst kind. It couldn’t be some normal ham and cheese sandwich. It had to be some “cute” or “fancy” sandwich like cucumber or some other crazy main ingredient that no one liked.
  8. Sheridan writing himself into the script as a badass, con man, best friend, savior. LOL.
  9. This is said after every loss. He doesn’t learn. Hopefully with Arch next year it won’t be an issue.
  10. Most times I park my truck as far away from any other vehicles as possible. I don’t mind the extra distance to walk. Just in the last 5 weeks alone, where I had no choice of where to park, my truck has been hit 3 times. One being a young girl backed into my rear bumper while she was backing out of the parking space behind mine. Fortunately there was no damage to my bumper but messed hers up a bit. Second, someone opened their door into the side of my truck leaving a nice chip in my paint. I have a white truck and now there is a nice quarter inch diameter black spot on my truck. I see it every time I get in my truck. Just today I noticed that someone hit the front of my truck and broke my front license plate holder and put a nice crease in my plate. Just last September someone was vandalizing cars in a parking garage in Shreveport and my truck fell victim to them too. They hit the top of my tailgate and put a big crease in the top of it. People suck at times.
  11. If I were this person this image would be attached to my resume. Heck, the pic may be all it would take to get hired.
  12. Such a great image. Undaunted by the tomfoolery going on around him.
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