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Posts posted by mininghorn88

  1. 1 hour ago, GoPokes83 said:

    Got up early and the house was super quiet. I found the amount of grunts, sighs, groans and other small noises and sounds I make just getting up and moving around in the morning surprising. When did all that BS start?

    Every time that I stand up my knees sounds like the backspin of a ratchet wrench.

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  2. Back in April I was flying into ATL from SHV on a regional jet on a nice, clear day. We were making a nice and easy approach until when we were maybe 20 to 30 feet off of the ground when the pilot gave it full throttle and we quickly gained altitude. The pilot came on the speaker and said, “Ladies and gentleman, we are going to circle and make another pass”. That was the only explanation. Not sure if they started their approach too early/late or steep or if a plane suddenly crossed the runway?

    I flown over 2 million miles and that was my second aborted landing against one aborted takeoff that I have been a passenger on. The other aborted landing was due to poor visibility and the aborted takeoff was due to a hydraulic issue with the landing gear.

  3. People that gives zero cares about anything but themselves.

    Major storms just came through the area (NE Texas and NW Louisiana) late last week knocking power out.  I was in Michigan on business when this happened and flew back into Shreveport late Friday afternoon.  I did not have enough gas in my truck to make it all the way back to Texas and I was advised to get gas when and where I could.  Some of the gas stations near the SHV airport were already out of gas so I got in line at the one station near the airport that did have gas.  Naturally the line was spilling out into the highway with every pump lane at capacity.  Many of the customers were paying by cash so they were having to take their own sweet time strolling into and out of the store and stopping to talk to just about everyone they knew.  Plus many took their time getting in and out of their cars becasue they could not put their precious phone down.  Took way longer than it should have to fill up.

    Also, many of the traffic lights in the area are not working.  It is amazing on how many people would just blow right through the light with other cars stopped and proceeding properly.  Or if they were forced to stop because the car in front of them properly stopped, it was crazy on how many people just followed the car in front of them without properly stopping themselves after seeing everyone else do the stop and go process.

    Ugh.  Have some self-awareness and know the rules of the road.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  4. While on a flight people that use the back of the seat in front of them as a support for getting up and sitting down. Use the armrest on your own seat to raise and lower yourself.

    I would like to not be launched out of my seat by the recoil.

    • Haha 1
    • Rage+1 5
  5. Recently had some potential customers out of the Houston area visit our factory. I provided a presentation and a factory tour. One of the guys wanted his picture taken with one of our earthmoving pieces of equipment. He stood against the tire and smiled and gave the thumbs up.

    All I said was, “aggy”?

    He nodded and said, “Yes”.


    • Haha 2
  6. 1 minute ago, Cheeseweasel said:

    Working in the Pilbara or just vacation?

    Did not make it up to the Pilbara this time.  Just stayed in Perth for meetings at the corporate HQs of the major mining companies operating in WA.  If you are going to the Pilbara this is the time of year to go. The summers can be brutal up there along with the flies and other creatures that are not so nice.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. Recently stayed in the Crown Hotel in Perth.  A nice, high-end hotel.  There was a 3% or 5% surcharge on everything, inlcuding the room charges and stay if you used a credit card for payment.  That adds up over a weeks stay.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Knoxtnhorn said:

    I've got an all-timer coming up.  I'll try and make it short.

    So, a couple of years ago, some might recall the multitude of stories about my SIL.  Refused to work, drew disability for 2+ years, etc... Well, she finally got a job and "got better".  She's been tolerable as of late.  Well, her birthday had been coming up, so my wife and she decide they want to go to New Orleans.  Cool.  Have a great weekend.  I'll bullet the rest...

    • For some reason, they decide the best plan of action would be to fly to New Orleans in the morning then, fly back that evening.  I implored them to stay overnight.  I mean, neither would ever delve into the nightlife, but I figured staying would keep them from being rushed.  Whatever.  They stick with the day plan.  SIL's birthday.  She has the final say-so.  So two round trip plane tickets to essentially eat lunch in another city.
    • As simple as this plan should have been, they, of course, miss their flight.  I have told my procrastinating wife many, many times that flights are not the time to fuck around and find out.  Well, they FAAFO.  Now they're on a later flight, Dallas to Atlanta, then back to NO --- for the day.
    • This may be the best part.  And, I'm so glad I waited until today to get the rest of the story.  They finally make it to New Orleans around noon.  Return flight leaves at 7.  There's not a ton of time to see and do everything they want to do.  Guess what SIL decided to do first?  Miniature golf.  I'm dead effing serious.  It's her birthday, in New Orleans, a city she's never visited, and she wants to play miniature golf during the 4 or so hours they have to visit New Orleans.

    Jesus.  I don't know whether to laugh or cry. /Richard Dreyfuss

    Ummm…wow….this is beyond stupid.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  9. 4 hours ago, Sandman said:

    I almost fell down the stairs here at work. Don't know if I slipped or my knee gave out. I was able to flail out and catch myself on the railing but I scraped my knuckle on the brick wall. Also, my knees are screaming from having to suddenly bend and take all of my weight. My big toe is on fire as well, I think it got caught under me.

    Now, as hilarious as that is, I can't lie. After some of that nervous laughter you get after you avoid a serious catastrophe, I got scared. What if I had just smashed my face on the landing or worse, broke something? My heart was pounding like a mofo when I was telling my coworker about this. If I wasn't busy today, I'd just go home. #pussyalert 

    The above bolded is where I am.  What if...I would like to think that my abundant cautioness these days is a direct result of industry, etc. constantly preaching SAFETY by identifying risks before, during, and after and mitigating them in some way and me taking those lessons into my personal life.  In reality I am simply getting old and the agility, responsiveness, recovery time is simply not what it used to be.

    • Like 1
  10. This past Friday one of our key engineers "retired" after 25 years of service to return to Pennsylvania to run the family farm.  His parents and uncles, who have been running the operation, are now getting to an age where they can no longer keep up with all of it as they manange a couple of thousand acres.

    It is hard for me to believe that I had already been with the company for 9 years when he started.  There have been many other individuals that retired after decades of employment during my employment period but I did not know them their entire career.  His "retirement" hit me pretty hard and I must say that I shed a tear or two in telling him "bye" knowing too that my day is coming to retire further reinforcing that I am getting older.  Certainly there are other things to remind me that I am getting older like having a 31 year old daughter, a 28 year old son, and two young granddaughters, but this really has hit me hard.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  11. 12 hours ago, Brisketexan said:

    So…I just had one of the most confusing, maddening experiences of my life, regarding how to measure and cut…
    Short back story:
    And my wife starts talking…
    I explain…
    I just…I can’t…I don’t understand how…I could never convince her.

    Shortened the story for you.

    Brisket, that is some next level….that is some next level….I cannot come to say it about your wife since you are a brother Surlyite. But, you know.

  12. Just finding this thread.  I live in a rural area (NE TX) plus I do a fair bit of hiking so I see quite a few sneks.  Oddly enough, despite growing up in the country, I have never seen a coral or rattlesnake in the wild.  Nor have a ever seen a scorpion in the wild except for a recent trip to Zambia where I found one in my hotel room.  Have seen my fair share of copperheads, watermoccasins, and a wide assortment of nonvenemous sneks.

    The below snek was at least 4' long.  Not sure what he is as it scampered away before I could get out of the truck for a closer look.image.thumb.jpeg.ab7442aa16d4d13cb5803d331d6a07fc.jpeg

  13. On 5/17/2023 at 9:16 AM, Buzzrock said:

    I watched 12 Angry Men on a flight this week. Not exactly breaking news but wow, what a great film. And when you keep in mind that it was made in 1957 it’s that much better. Loved it.

    This. Watched it for the first time on a flight from Tokyo earlier today. Highly recommend.

    • Like 1
  14. This dude took up two spaces for his rig and still did not pull forward far enough either. This was at Superior in Shreveport. The pizza place next door is now closed and the parking lot was empty. The moron should have parked there.


    • Rage+1 4
  15. Just watched Argo, Hell or High Water, No Country for Old Men and Out of Africa on my flight back from Australia. All excellent movies. However, the endings of Hell or High Water and Old Men kind of left me hanging a bit.

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