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Everything posted by ShowmeyourTDs

  1. Texas: 33 Ohio State: 31 Total yards: 428
  2. Why did your husband let you out of the kitchen?
  3. I feel a lot better now. The groin was a little tender for a few days, but the heart is steady. I haven’t had any signs of atrial fibrillation since. I had the procedure on December 18, and I am back to working out. If you do it, I would recommend pulsed field ablation over other techniques. To keep it football related the bruise on my leg and groin was about the size of a youth football.
  4. Thank God I just had a heart ablation procedure done a couple of weeks ago.
  5. Texas: 38 ASU: 20 rushing yards: 249
  6. Texas: 31 Clemson: 17 Clemson total yards: 278
  7. Texas: 31 Georgia: 20 33 carries for 141 yards
  8. It will start out that way, but just like Rocky 4 they will be chanting Texas Fight at the end.
  9. Bolden just needs to catch a TD on Lee, then fake sign the ball and hand it to him.
  10. Texas: 31 aggy: 17 Yards passing: 247
  11. From the Northern Panhandle of the great state of Texas … FIGHT!!!!!!!
  12. What’s the record since internet message boards existed? That’s all that matters here.
  13. Texas: 34 Kentucky: 13 Yards: 657
  14. soon aggy … soon
  15. Texas: 34 Arkansas: 17 300 yards
  16. Texas: 34 Florida: 13 total yards: 248
  17. One minute offense … go score.
  18. Texas: 31 Vandy: 13 yards: 301
  19. I can’t help but laugh … thanks I needed that.
  20. Texas: 37 Georgia: 17 Georgia yards: 348
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