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Everything posted by ShowmeyourTDs

  1. My thought’s exactly.
  2. Yeah Looch, aggy would beat Texas’s Ass in football. If that douche had a spirit animal it would be an annoying little shit lap dog. You know the one that barks through the privacy fence at your German Shepherd when it is let outside. As soon as your dog approaches the fence it cowars and runs away. The only thing protecting it from total annihilation is the privacy fence.
  3. There is only one cure for “dick mouth”. I’m not sure if looch is ready for the road to recovery yet.
  4. You’re paying $9.95 for Surly?
  5. Did the Trans Am not get ordered?
  6. 1.) Why do our receivers hurt their shoulders/break collarbones so often? 2.) come on Kirko, I want to see you play in the spring game.
  7. Are there normally this many 5 star running backs? It just seems like there are more than normal with this cycle compared to previous years.
  8. Welcome to Surly, and thanks for your contributions in allowing aggy to be aggy. I’m not sure how much you have lurked around here, but there are several things that you should be aware of. First off, you already met aggy. Enjoy the rollercoaster. I hope erections, different levels of erections, eating bags of dicks, or just any kind of penis joke doesn’t offend. Speaking of which, South Austin’s mom is well known around these parts. Tbh, everyone’s mom is kind of a target. Just go with it. Speaking of moms, some of us have little whiny bitchfests. Will you please cyberspank that ass, for us? Gifs are a form of communication and can be quite useful. Speaking of gifs, I hope you like Kate Beckinsale. Have fun and welcome to Surly.
  9. It’s a good thing scipios filter can separate the men from the boys.
  10. He obviously did the following: 1). Spread his legs. 2). Entered from the front not behind 3). Pushed hard 4). And of course finished on top.
  11. First question: How do you destroy a Tech punter returner that does not fair catch? Mr. Vasher: please allow me to demonstrate.
  12. Looch’s sister is also his daughter ... duh.
  13. Yeah ... but have you ever seen a mermaid made?
  14. But the best thing to happen to Looch is the 12 inch dildo and 55 gallon drum of lube.
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