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Everything posted by ShowmeyourTDs

  1. How will Texas do this weekend against usc?
  2. Haven’t you been listening ... the team, like the op IS trying too hard. Therefore the failure to live up to expectation.
  3. Rollercoaster? We waited in line for the better part of a year to hop on the fucking mini mine train at Six Flags. The crying kid in front of us managed to spew all over our date beautiful girlfriend during the first 3 foot drop. We then went and ate pizza before getting on that stupid Sombrero hat ride.
  4. Wait, so his mom really didn’t die from a drug overdose? I was feeling generally sorry for him.
  5. You could also wear a hot pink shirt that says Texas Football on it to go along with the paper bag. The bag needs horns, too.
  6. I seem to remember Kwame was moved. One would think that we could have scored at least one touchdown against UCLA with James Brown, Ricky, and Wane McGarity.
  7. Since we are bitching about Macovik, how in the hell did we suck so bad in 1997 when we had so many damn offensive weapons? Never mind, I don’t even want to think about Texas Football until we win a game that we are not supposed to win. I’ll still be at the games, but shit it’s hard to be excited about our team.
  8. I have no words other than complete and utter disappointment. I still have my season tickets, I still plan on going to the games. But, if this is not fixed ASAP, I’m selling. I just am not in the mood to drive 4 hours on game day to babysit my kids while watching the same shit show that I have witnessed over the past 5 years. Mack, We are sorry for forcing you to retire prematurely. Will you please lift this damn curse? Signed, Every Longhorn
  9. They’re gonna show their respect by jizzing on her. It’s the aggy way.
  10. I like the police liaison angle. We are fortunate to have a credible police department in Austin that has the best interests when it comes to the student athletes. Since the liaisons have actual NFL experience, all of the athletes at Texas should heed their direction in serving and protecting the city. On top of that, when and if the players step out of line, there should be no leniency. Be straight with the student athlete, and the student athlete should walk the straight line. Kudos to all of the efforts being put forth by the football program, athletic department, and the city of Austin. This is credible collaboration.
  11. Yep. Sherrill gets it. You got to pay to get them to play.
  12. Not lying is more of a code than an actual rule.
  13. https://nypost.com/2017/03/22/staring-at-boobs-may-give-a-boost-to-male-lifespans/amp/
  14. Glen, ask for a promotion. You’re too smart for the mail room.
  15. Lots and lots of hand sanitizer of course.
  16. Did you get married on the second Saturday of October too?
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