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Everything posted by ShowmeyourTDs

  1. My wife calls me in May to inform me that my 10 year old daughter corndogged a class bully. Being the old bastard that I am, I have no clue what this is. Apparently, the kids these days are calling the knee or foot forced in someone’s ass a “corndog”. To make this story thread related, the bully’s name is Billy and he was wearing a Johnny douche nozzle jersey during the corndog incident. #makin’daddyproud.
  2. If that’s Jimbo’s plate, it needs more bread.
  3. Please put in gif format. Thanks.
  4. You forgot that he might have a brain.
  5. I miss the RC didn’t offer excuse. This strategy will have to do. If they are going to say Shep is not allowed on campus, this will hopefully work against those short sighted dipshits when it comes to Demas next year.
  6. I’m a lifelong Longhorn, and I don’t even remember the question.
  7. Delusion out of the cult creates a lot of buzz.
  8. This came in handy after all.
  9. Not if Norman is really Jimbo. Then he’ll just video it.
  10. Well that kid will be physically and mentally slow.
  11. Look at all those little bitches.
  12. Technically a dwarf, but there is nothing wrong with either.
  13. Yeah pretty much.
  14. Nobody gives a shit about aggy. Idiocy and scandal should be the only times that they should be talked about nationally.
  15. Yep. We’ll be treated to how they finally have Jimbo’s players and system in place. Aggy will be going on and on about how they could win 2 out of 3 before the season starts. Then as the very late Paul Harvey would say on the early morning AM radiowaves ... and now, the rest of the story.
  16. You will.
  17. Collectively aggy is counting on Baggins to sprinkle some of that magic fairy dust. Why else are they saving all those jizz jars for but to evaporate it to achieve the purest “fairy” dust as possible.
  18. Maybe he will see the field in both sides of the ball. It will send a signal to Bru McCoy that we are serious about possibly playing both ways in different scenarios.
  19. I am almost to that point. I am for put up or shut up, and as we all know aggy will never shut up.
  20. I’m curious to see the numbers of non FBS teams percentages as well.
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