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Everything posted by XOVERX

  1. Good grief. Ringo? Him fast.
  2. Yup, that's right. So, Illinois fields a decent team around once a decade. I guess Mookie feels like he can help build the next flash in the pan. And maybe he can. If Mookie bails, best to him, and, if he's going to bail, thanks for doing it early.
  3. To the best of my recollection, Illinois was decent for a couple of years just before we hired John Mackovic away from them.
  4. We're losing another scatback? Crap.
  5. I haven't given up on Sam Ehlinger getting one.
  6. The addition of the project OL Willie Tyler means our long-term depth at OL is becoming entrenched. In two or three years, Tyler may well become an OL anchor on a NC caliber Texas squad. JUCOs have been around forever, and, every now and then, Texas has taken a JUCO. But under Herman, JUCO evaluation has become a routine, even integral, part of recruiting in a way that I have never before seen Texas coaches utilize (and my observations go back to the 60s). We've seen dead and dormant programs, like KSU, rise phoenix-like from the ashes under coaches who recruit JUCOs, but Texas has largely eschewed JUCOs. No more. Behold the jaggernaut being constructed in the hills of Travis County. I am more convinced than ever that I will get to witness another NC out of Texas before my days expire and I strongly suspect that young Mr. Willie Tyler will be playing on that NC team.
  7. There's always an aunt out there, lol.
  8. Bertelsen was a big-time recruit back in the day, and his recruitment out of the tundra of WI was surprising at the time. Helluva player, Jim.
  9. Thanks. You certainly stated the RS issue better than I did, so thanks for that, too. I can't see Braun RS-ing anyway, but we damn sure don't need to guess if Braun can play. We just got an almost certain starter on the OL, with NFL potential. Such a big deal.
  10. Braun wants to RS. What's the current RS rule again. Can Braun play all of LSU and OU, then still RS if Braun and the staff think that's a good idea?
  11. Braun is kind of a big deal. Wow. All-ACC. Yup, very big deal. It's time to go out and kick some ass.
  12. We need to B-backer Dorbah then because he is one quick, pressuring, relentless defender. Apparently Dorbah is hard to stop one-on-one - the opposing team will have to hope congestion inside will wall him off. He pressures from the right side, he pressures from the left side. Dorbah visited OU recently, didn't he? Do we know if Dorbah has serious interest in the trailer trash?
  13. I hope I'm not engaging in wishful thinking, lol. My thought is the QB might move some so long as the defender isn't blowing past Majors leaving him flailing at air, you know? That isn't happening. But you are correct, especially in that Barnard Wright vid. Wright does push Majors back into the pylon even if he doesn't get past Majors. Then again, there's the danger of wishful thinking on my part, I suppose.
  14. Prince Dorbah has an inside move, he has an outside move, he's got a swim move, and he BLOWS BY defenders, lol. I guess he's moved down the rankings because he looks ever so slightly light in weight. Still, the young man can move. All he does is beat every defender placed in front of him. Yeah, Dorbah's a definite take, lol.
  15. Majors looks good in both of those vids. Appears to anchor well. Barnard Wright didn't get past Majors, but Wright did push Majors back into the pylon. Prince Dorbah can MOVE, lol. He may be moving down the rankings, but he looks like a player to me.
  16. So, is the "portal" business just horseshit?
  17. If Herman keeps recruiting at this high level, we're fixing to see Texas football restored. This past year was a damn good year for Year 2. Win a B12 Championship in Year 3 - and that is the expectation - combine a championship with another top 5 class - another expectation - and Texas will soon be on top. Maybe the BMDs got this hire right?
  18. I think time will prove that Mack never should have left the comfort of "Coach Emeritus" at the University of Texas, doing his commercials for Texas and glad-handing the money folks. Mack's coaching days are behind him. He "burned out" (his words) at Texas while he still had talent to put on the field. But now he's going to rebuild an historically poor UNC when he's in his 60s? Rebuilding takes a ton of energy. ideally, you do not want a guy in his 60s to be tasked with that job. Guys in their 60s are going to be low energy guys. Maybe UNC will keep Mack around if he fails, of which I think the odds are high. More likely, Mack will eventually be consigned to private citizen to "while away" his end days watching mediocre "Baby Blue" football from his TV when Texas would have found something for him to do until the very end. One thing about the University of Texas - we take care of our own.
  19. Shepard at 1 pm. Dang, I hope there's no surprises on this one. When does Henry sign? Do we know? Appears to be Fayetteville, I guess, but has Arkansas ever won anything football in the SEC? I'm okay with a surprise on this one.
  20. Ok, it's Monday. Any declarations from Shepard or Lakia Henry? Or are they still in quiet mode and we're waiting until Wednesday? Then it's on to transfers and 2020? Jesus, 2020 ....
  21. I'm here to help push us to 1K. So ... I went and read a few pages back, but I never got to where we changed our minds to where Sheperd is now considered to be even more strongly Texas (even though he originally verbaled in the cenozoic epoch). What changed our thinking? And hell yes we want Shepard this cycle versus "saving" his scholarship for use in next cycle. Good grief. There. This ought to be good for a few responses.
  22. I can live with Demas if he comes, lol.
  23. Back in the day, Simms had a "wow factor" similar to Bru this cycle. Some argue upthread that Chris was a bigger "wow factor" than Bru - and that pov is certainly legitimate - but everyone is unanimous that Bru is pretty doggone good "wow", lol. Bru is a 300 blackout with a suppressor, not a popgun, lol. I also remember the night Earl Campbell said he was going to bed and he would tell everyone the next morning if it was Texas or OU. Earl was exhilarating, too, but not an "in-your-face" flip like Bru and Simms. With Bru and Jake Smith ... oh my!
  24. Ugggh, what? Eli wasn't even on the radar in any serious way with Texas. Like, virtually zero.
  25. This whole Bru McCoy episode puts me in mind of the switch of Chris Simms from Tennessee to Texas back in the day, except Bru is more amazing considering he actually attended class at USC before his epiphany. Did anybody come in this weekend? Henry is next week, right?
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