Sort of a general note on trademark ownership for a small or medium-sized business.
You don't need a registration to own a trademark. As long as you use it in connection with services or applied to goods, you own a "common law trademark." You can sue on it, license it, or sell it. A federal, and to a lesser extent a state, trademark registration "formalizes" that claim and makes it easier to sue, license, or sell.
I call the above the "offensive" characteristics of a registration. Most smaller businesses have no desire to actually sue anyone for anything, much less something esoteric like trademark infringement. That is especially true when confronted with the reality that trademark litigation costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, with little prospect of damages and a bit of a coin-flip on the outcome, if the issues are at all close.
BUT, a registration has "defensive" characteristics, as well. Once federally registered, confusingly similar marks (on confusingly similar goods or services, but it's really all the same inquiry) cannot be registered.
One of the worst-case outcomes for a smaller business is that someone else comes after and registers their mark and turns around and sues you. If you are a prior user, you may prevail in such litigation, but at hideous cost, and there's a chance that expensive and annoying "rebranding" becomes a cost-effective option there.
As a smaller business, you cannot validly declare that you'll never sue anyone over a trademark, but even if you think that to be the case, the defensive characteristics of a registration can have huge value.