So, all this talk of "black ppl bbq" raises the issue of "assimilation."
Thatguy's story relates code-switching and behavior designed not to alarm the honkies. In some ways, it's a shame that has to happen, especially because "his people" in most cases were not voluntary immigrants and were essentially forced not to assimilate by not being allowed to participate in society.
In other ways, such assimilative behavior is probably a natural and beneficial, maybe, consequence of immigration. It's the melting part of the melting pot.
Clearly, those minority/immigrant groups that have not yet or not rapidly assimilated make the majority or minority/majority (e.g. wypipo) very nervous. I think, historically, the "separatism" of a lot of Jewish sects has reinforced anti-Semitism worldwide (it's the Hasids and orthodox that draw the caricatures and less so the more Reformed and secular Jews). And, you hear that kind of complaint ("they don't assimilate") for Muslim immigrants I think especially in Europe.
Also, assimilation tends to imply an acceptance of aspects of the minority culture by the majority, so it's a two-way street. I don't think assimilation should be expected or required. But it is what tends to make even us honky, cracker-ass Americans more American than English, French, Scottish, German or Dutch.
Kind of a thread-jack, but I have been curious about the role of assimilation by immigrants in "national racism" for a while now.