As related previously, I took 316K from Kaulbach, a giant class in Jester. We had to do a midterm paper that we could turn in basically any time after the middle of the semester.
At one point, he said, "people, midterm papers are coming in and a lot of them are junk. Please don't turn in junk. Here's a good one," and began reading mine. All the Jewish sorority girls were eyeing me for about two weeks.
That was the sole English class I took at UT. In my time, three were required to graduate, E306, which everyone placed out of, E316, which no one avoided, and a third that wasn't offered so any "substantial writing component" class would do. Before I graduated, the College of Engineering mandated that the third English, which was supposed to have been "Writing in Different Disciplines," be Technical Writing and all engineers would be required to take it. One hitch, they didn't offer it. So I took another class at Richland. It's now what I do for a living.