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Everything posted by TwiceHorn

  1. This team is not as good as last years.
  2. Also don't forget explosive, uncontrollable diarrhea. Looks like you missed out on that one, but rehabs nationwide are full of shitty bathrooms and dorm rooms.
  3. Yeah, I overstated it somewhat. But it's a meathead arena overall.
  4. Sort of a sidetrack here, but the amount of money spent on and in sports (I suppose this applies to other forms of entertainment, too) has always disturbed me. What is really the opium of the people?
  5. It might not have been voted for by those supporting White "Christians," in the deciding percentage, but it was certainly a victory for them. Look at the State of Texas. Look at Project 2025. Look at the immigration rhetoric.
  6. Your assertion was that Trump "sealed the border." It was false.
  7. Which requires larger hulls. Replenishment of a multitude of smaller hulls is even more difficult. When and if the shit starts, we'll have plenty of westpacs offering us harbors. And, I thought you guys were for reducing defense spending. I mean Ukraine is such a financial horror after all.
  8. That's a reasonable post. So why align with those who want one culture and race to rule this nation. There's always been cultural strife here: British v. French, Dutch, Scots-Irish. Puritans v. religious freedom folks. The melting pot has always won out.
  9. Sports, by and large, are for dumbfucks, always have been, always will be. Both the athletes and the fans. That this is a fairly rabid fanbase with an intellectual bent is an exception, not a rule.
  10. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2021/11/05/yes-china-has-more-warships-than-the-usa-thats-because-chinese-ships-are-small/
  11. Just a note, immunity, as currently construed anyway, will protect Letitia James from prosecution and civil suits. And, to have a valid civil or criminal case against an official, the case complained of as "conspiracy against rights" or whatever bullshit that asshat spewed, would have had to have been dismissed at an early stage. When you have judgments of conviction (tax case) and civil liability (fraud case), a lawsuit against the official is stillborn, both by immunity and by the elements of any "malicious prosecution" type cause of action.
  12. That was not the point. Trump filed a bunch of reputationally related lawsuits (that isn't all of them, either) that were dismissed on First Amendment grounds, for the most part. That is, the Sullivan rule applied in the Dominion case. If by "fourth one" you mean the Mary Trump case, NYT was dismissed out of if on 1A grounds, Mary was still in it last time anyone checked because she breached an NDA, allegedly. Trump wanted that to be a defamation case, but two problems, truth and limitations. So he attacked the source of the information, Mary, and NYT for publishing it. And no that's not disinformation, it's accurate w/r/t the porn-linked bank's investment in Trump Media. The quid pro quo was an opinion based on facts set forth in the editorials, and thus not actionable.
  13. Airtight, like you at a meth party, amirite?
  14. I suppose I can see the confusion here. Trump and his acolytes most loudly shat on immigrant criminals and I guess if you're an immigrant and not a criminal maybe you can miss that that was implying that most or all immigrants are criminals and in any event making a case against all unlawful immigrants. It seems the single most insidious thing here is the thought that Republicans, and Donald Trump in particular, are good for the economy no matter what batshittery they propose.
  15. Pretty quickly. Not days, but soon. Have you tried Benadryl for sleep? I'm not saying you'll become an addict, but you can build tolerance pretty quickly and tolerance = withdrawal and benzo withdrawal is quite unpleasant. Because you're aware of it, when you get past this trauma, taper rather than going cold turkey (use it half as often, then half again, etc.). It's gonna suck for a while, but you'll be ok. And it's ok to look out for #1 for a bit. You have to protect yourself from them and Xanax first before you can be of any help to anyone else.
  16. If he was indicted for it the day before, he probably didn't bond out. Records indicate he was indicted in February and bonded out thereafter. You're going to have to show your work here. You have alleged, without evidence, that Martin was out on bail because of progressive prosecutors, Soros-funded ones to be precise. The only fact is that Martin was out on bail. That happens. Quite often, in fact, in all jurisdictions.
  17. You implied something systemic like bail reform. Kim Ogg has been opposed to it nearly from the time she took office, despite running as a progressive. Bail fuckups happen all the time, everywhere, for all kinds of reasons. There's been no reporting of Anthony Landry Martin being out on PR or some absurdly low bail, just that he was out on bail. Nor is it reported that his offenses prior to the agg domestic assault were violent. ETA: The domestic assault was hitting a family member with a cane, for which he got a 10k bond. https://scallywagandvagabond.com/2024/05/anthony-martin-landry-angry-mcdonalds-customer-wanted-shooting-murder-jeffrey-limmer/ This site indicates that average bond in progressive Tarrant County for a 3rd degree felony is 2500. https://www.bhwlawfirm.com/fort-worth-bail-bonds/
  18. Name the judge and the line prosecutor. Name the bail amount and compare it with similar defendants. Kim Ogg is not a progressive prosecutor. And no one ever gets bail in Montgomery County and goes on to commit other crimes. 🙄 https://montgomerycountypolicereporter.com/montgomery-county-bail-jumper-jailed-for-wifes-murder/ https://montgomerycountypolicereporter.com/19-year-oldwoman-who-set-victims-on-fire-in-custody-in-montgomery-county-jail-charged-with-murder/
  19. I should correct. EBC is not the she-wolf of the SS, that's Edith Jones, EBC is bad, but not that bad. I get my biblically named reactionaries confused.
  20. It was a factual statement. He's an orthopedic surgeon. You're a moron.
  21. It also hasn't spent a dime of that money. States had to make application for that money and a lot of them dicked around and needlessly fought over free money, in many cases prodded by telecom companies who didn't want to give low rates.
  22. "Soros" DAs had nothing to do with bail reform in Houston, Texas. Bail reform was mandated by a court case affirmed by the 5th Circuit, specifically in an opinion authored by Edith Brown Clement, she-wolf of the SS. https://casetext.com/case/odonnell-v-harris-cnty-11
  23. Well, he's not. https://ldh.la.gov/subhome/surgeon-general Fucking end twitter, please. It is 100% garbage, like its owner.
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