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Everything posted by TwiceHorn

  1. Then you don't know jackshit about Vietnam.
  2. Who the fuck thinks he's going to give immigrants any form of due process?
  3. Tell you what sporto, let's let the next five of your employment discrimination cases be decided by the American public, who hasn't even seen the evidence, just a bunch of shitass reporting of the cases. And if they come back for your client, they also get to decide the damages. I'll even give you a bonus: only the ones that voted for Trump get to decide. I mean, the "majority" will have spoken!
  4. Well, Susie Wiles may be a piece of shit, certainly by association, but she has a lot of practice keeping Trump between the rails.
  5. What it was was those adults being criminally prosecuted because kids can't be held in actual jails. This happened under the previous administrations also, but Trump administration chose to criminally charge first time crossers. while prior administrations charged only second and subsequent crossers with crimes. So, you're close and dead right about it being an Obama policy, and everyone else's. But charging and prosecuting first time crossers is the big difference and expanded the practice.
  6. 50% of revenue to police and fire pensions. Holy fuck.
  7. Fuck. I forgot to follow up on this in view of other things.
  8. How old are you? This way precedes the internet and social media. Rush Limbaugh is the one that started calling liberals or Democrats communists, Marxists, socialists, and mentally ill back in the early 90s. At first, I think it was just for the lulz, mocking the ridiculousness of some progressive positions, but when they saw it seriously worked among the culture war types, it became commonplace. In the early going, I thought Limbaugh was another PJ ORourke, who made fun of liberals, and government generally, but maintained a respect for the opposition. He is the one that said "Republicans campaign on the idea that government doesn't work, get elected and prove it."
  9. Well what will be interesting there is that Heritage doesn't contemplate loyalty to Trump, rather loyalty to the "program." I'm not sure that the two overlap all that much. But, Trump is incompetent to vet or even direct vetting of those people. So it depends on whether a John McEntee type does it, or someone more politically/governmentally sophisticated.
  10. I think it is utter bullshit that Trump would have prevented the Ukraine invasion. I am curious as to why Putin saved his forays into Ukraine for D administrations. Perhaps to inject chaos in the absence of Trump.
  11. Interesting spin on it. I think the right-wing spot that it's unfair to those who already paid doesn't make sense to most of those with debt or who paid debt. But it probably makes sense to those who have no debt or education. Nevertheless, I think it was the rightish thing to do, short of actually fixing student loans.
  12. I think that's a good analysis. The inflation problem is why Biden is unpopular, as unjust as it is to lay that at his feet. And inflation/economics is too complex for most of the electorate to understand, so they're just going to go with superstition. One thing I think Dems need to hammer is the notion that Republicans are good for the economy. They need to show those graphs where spending and deficits always increase in Republican administrations and jobs decrease.
  13. According to that recital, the crowd gathered at 7pm and the violence didn't start until after 10pm. Ain't shit goin on in a federal building after 6pm, really 5pm. Unlike Congress in a joint session at 10am.
  14. The Hugo thread has been dead as fuck for years.
  15. My point about young men being extremely immature, in data. All this fancy psychologizing aside, like frats on their worst days, young men will herd together to pick on someone and this is a "trend" that precedes all the other trends. A Trumpian message that it's someone else's fault and we're going to get revenge on them plays really well with young men. Possibly the real question is that young men, when the herd dissolves, don't do much of anything on their own, including hating others, so why did they vote this time?
  16. The majority of misinformed twitter posts in CR are called as such almost immediately. And, yeah I suppose CR could be called an echo chamber; it's an echo chamber of college-educated and informed people.
  17. Pee tapes were a joke on here after about mid-2017. CR also accepted that outright collusion was unprovable. But Russian influence is real and always has been and Trump has been the beneficiary of it, wittingly or not. Fucking Hugo was right about that.
  18. And, if CR is "siloed," it's because we are informed mostly by factual sources. We tend to stay away from the right-wing social media that it has been pointed out is rampant. Trump himself I don't think effectively carried his message to anyone. Harris may not have been very effective with hers, but had to be light years ahead of Trump, as far as personally delivered messaging. What makes up the difference there? Social media. What are young men knee deep in? Social media. Also, in addition to the various things affecting/afflicting young men, they're immature as shit and always have been. And that's why they're unreliable voters.
  19. Well, it so happens that many posters that come into CR with "opposing viewpoints" are pretty seriously ill-informed. And when that is exposed, they run away crying. I'll give you credit, you don't run away and your takes are often less ill-informed than the average right wing drive-by poster and more a matter of actual opinion formed mostly on the basis of facts.
  20. Nah, a different one, identified elsewhere. TravelingTexan or somesuch. Chomp.
  21. Judicial opinions are for fags.
  22. Should have been pretty simple. Chinese do not pay tariffs, the Americans who import Chinese goods pay tariffs. Then they turn around and raise prices in America by that amount. And Chinese goods are the generally the cheapest goods available here. So the cheap goods go up by the amount of the tariff and no one has any incentive to compete with the cheap goods anymore Voila everyone pays more. And the revenue from tariffs pales in comparison to an income tax hike on the super-rich and business. It's not enough money to solve anything. But that also requires people to listen and to put aside superstition. The latter may be where the bigger problem lies. So, yeah messaging is important, but it's really hard to overcome some of the problems with the electorate.
  23. Well you can certainly leave the T out of that one.
  24. Guess who started it?
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