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Everything posted by TwiceHorn

  1. To be fair, looks like he was an ANG commander and IP, rather than like Hegseth.
  2. Motherfucker cannot stop lying. Caine was promoted to LTG in October 2021 on Biden's nomination. There's nothing obvious in his background that makes him a hack. Bit light on combat command. He is a chair force guy, so probably fundagelical, although he attended VMI not USAFA.
  3. He's a heavy hitter for sure. Some odd typos in that complaint, though. Including and especially the made up word "undoubtably" and a sentence fragment.
  4. Should have tagged you in, too. Device approval is already astonishingly slow to hear some of my clients tell it. This could put a hurtin on some folks with deep pockets.
  5. sudo bigballs chmod 777 *.* | rm -rf *.*
  6. DOGE firing people that aren't paid by taxpayers, notably at FDA. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-is-firing-federal-workers-who-are-not-funded-by-taxpayers-2025-02-21/ Gonna piss off some big boiz, methinks. @Murfdogg21 Stryker, Medtronic, Zimmer, Abbott.
  7. Man, Trump's association with Roy Cohn should have destroyed his aspirations for public office. Instead, we're going to let him eclipse Roy Cohn for worst American ever.
  8. There's still a normal, no matter how abnormal things become. Lose sight of that, and you've lost it all.
  9. That's not really the case. "Normally," the other side of the case would be all over that scientific falsity and the judge would be more like "the plaintiff here makes a valid point that the premise of the EO is scientifically incorrect."
  10. Just guessing her personal interests have led her to research the topic. Also, the government, particularly one as feckless as Trump's, but all of them, put DOJ attorneys in untenable positions all the time. The good ones, the ones Trump is running off, manage to navigate that with some dignity and candor. The Trump DOJ will not be able to pull that off.
  11. Yeah you don't think those motherfuckers aren't going to cook the books to send more checks with the shitgibbons' signature on them? They. Are. Going. To. Explode. The. Deficit. Like no one has ever seen before.
  12. I believe it is and she probably knows this regardless. Still, it is relatively uncommon for a federal judge to take an "independent" stance on scientific or technical issues before them. In most senses, this is a product of the adversarial system in which the facts are those produced by the parties in evidence before the court. Like juries are discouraged/forbidden from independently researching a case, so too do federal judges tend to avoid extrajudicial knowledge. The rules don't forbid it for judges and federal judges in particular have more freedom to do it and to comment on it in court, even before a jury. There's a judge in San Francisco/San Jose with a degree in math that is an amateur computer scientist who presided over Google v. Oracle and was openly independent and skeptical of some of the assertions of the parties there based on his own knowledge. More typical, though, is Chief Judge David Godbey of the ND Tex in Dallas, who has a BSEE but feigns not knowing what a transistor does.
  13. Posted elsewhere, but God help us. https://apnews.com/article/trrump-doge-checks-inflation-7fb8b5b004faecc213c325fcbafc7ee9 Could Trump really return DOGE savings to taxpayers? Really good piece discussing what DOGE cuts are actually doing relative to the overall spending picture.
  14. Actually, coming from a US District Judge, it is fairly shocking. Not that USDJs are ignoramuses or flat-earthers (at least most of them), it's just the "professional cabining" of them usually leads to a state of ignorance and a lack of confidence on matters scientific and technical, wherein they are reliant on the parties to educate them (even if they do happen to know something about the subject matter in question). Also. https://apnews.com/article/trrump-doge-checks-inflation-7fb8b5b004faecc213c325fcbafc7ee9 Fuck. Me. Running.
  15. Between that and being jealous of Putin's power and the fact that he robbed Russia blind,he's pretty much perfect in Trump's eyes.
  16. I know, just adding to your question. Wrong? Fuck you Howard.
  17. Very good point. I'm not sure I share complete confidence in the US military, but I have hopes. You are very correct that Germany was full of impoverished and disgruntled (also low-ranking, uneducated enlisted) soldiers. Freikorps was an essential element of the Nazi rise to power. I suppose Proud Boys and their ilk are similar, but I think there were far more Freikorps running around
  18. Why does there need to be a hard line on any of that? Serious question? This kind of statement seems to imply that you think trans people go through the absolute hell that must be suffering gender dysphoria and years of unpleasant medical treatment to gain some kind of advantage. A buddy of mine, an ex-Marine, who wasn't particularly liberal, once observed to me "why would anyone choose to be gay." He didn't mean that there was anything wrong with being gay, but there's no real advantage to it, and a whole shitpile of disadvantages.
  19. And, I think the War Colleges and other senior field officer training is very specific on these kinds of issues. It's not going to stop some Flynn types, but I think the majority of senior officers will do the right thing.
  20. Well and we get to reap it due to their cowardice.
  21. Also note that that data was gathered from insurance statistics. Does anyone think that insurance pays out on claims for treatment that's not medically necessary? Or, stated differently, if they could reject those claims because elective or not medically necessary that they would not? And, that's relative to ~72 million Americans under age 18. And an even tinier fraction of that is ever going to attempt to participate in a sport that doesn't match their birth certificate. Is this "gender fiasco" really something that should be driving national politics? Really? I mean like, for real? Since it does, ask yourself why?
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