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joe dillon

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  1. you have lost it-------calm down
  2. absolutely the case
  3. He certainly isnt doing the US any favors. Self centered ass
  4. Maybe we can get Hilary to stick her nose into this affair -----------then all will be solved
  5. RED Five you are one sorry sob
  6. please run Traitor Kerry--------money from Soros no less
  7. Seems to me a few are missing but hopefully will be out of rehab in the near future
  8. the usual liberal suspects slunk over from the Shag and supply great fodder and blood pressure scratch---------
  9. is this football or basketball ?
  10. Seems to me your remark is from a closet lib. that strikes blindly out at any and all conservatives hoping for a reaction-------well u got it but the point is as a conservative you speak out or join the libs ,
  11. rest of world supports treaty---- when did rest of world start dictating US policy ? Swiftboating John THE Coward Kerry-----------------------DONT EVER FORGET
  12. at last they bring the hammer down on these habitual violators-------SEC
  13. Really what position does Mr Heinz hold that allows him to negotiate for th,e U.S. His actions are his or the usual suspects from the far left. Coward and fake hero.
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