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  1. “Holy fuck” video guy (with captions no less) seams like he sucks. Glad everyone survived.
  2. I like this movie but the blowing fingers thing is stupid.
  3. Good quick read. Neato!
  4. I'm starting Battlestar Galactica with the 2003 mini series. I've watched this, but it's probably been 10-15 years ago.
  5. Robinson is annoying in everything he does and has a most punchable face. I’ll probably still watch this because it’s A24.
  6. You think I should have one of my own songs as my ringtone on my Heaven phone? That’s pretty narcissistic!
  7. The Magnum PI song is my ringtone.
  8. Not for me. Is there anything I can do on my end?
  9. @immamac embedded youtube videos are taking minutes to load. I go browse something else and forget about it, then baam! Loud youtube video starts playing in a different tab that I forgot about. I think I started noticing it yesterday.
  10. That's a pretty hypocritical statement considering the liberal echo chamber cloak room that you are posting in.
  11. Diet Coke and Nuke Strike Buttons are pretty funny.
  12. Well that movie did have a full nude sex scene with now 40++ Parker Posey. Still fucked up though. Her tits looked great.
  13. Beau is Afraid with Joaquin Phoenix I can barely type or think. What the fuck. I’ll leave this thread open ended for other psycho mind fuck non sense bull shit.
  14. Holy shit Matamoros. That brings back some hazy memories. Me and my buddies took my Prelude down to Padre and MTV was there. Girls Gone Wild wasn't quite a thing yet. Matamoras was safe for the most part. Me and my biggest buddy went walking deeper into town to find a strip club. That was sketchy as hell. We got thrown out. How long has it been since it's been "safe" to cross the border like that?
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