Oh, are we talking about idot drivers? I got one that just happened.
I'm unloading groceries and lil' Stetson got loose (still training). I'm trying to wrangle him. I hear a car at high RPM coming around the corner. I step out and do the slow down (hand high to low) signal. Driver decides to speed up and go full power to their house TEN HOUSES AWAY!
I wrangle dog, get in my truck and go knock on their door....hard.
I grown man anwers the door. I say "are you a grown-up?"
He says yes.
Do you drive that car right there?
He says no, that's my step daughter's car.
Well I'm Elvis and I live right there.
I tell him what happened.
We both agree that teenage drivers are dumb. He'll talk to her about it.
Then he says, "I understand, I probably would have done the same thing."
Then he says, " Actually probably not, I wouldn't have done that, but I understand."
We shake on it. Settled. For now.