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Everything posted by Elvis

  1. Elvis


    Victor's new girlfriend is a baddy. Her scene is just a few seconds in the kitchen with Angela. I can't find any pics of her or even her name in the cast. It might be Natalie L'Amoreaux listed as Savanah on IMDB, but I can't tell for sure. I hope she gets some more screen time, but I doubt it since we haven't ever even seen Victor.
  2. They replayed it at Bullock? I have been trying to keep track of a replay since they announced this. I saw it at the Bullock originally and it is the best theater experience I have ever had. I would definitely want to see it again there.
  3. That photographer sent me some of his pics. I'm not too impressed, but here they are. The light up door sills look cooler in person.
  4. Good idea. I don’t have a 22 pistol for him. Smallest is 9mm. My older son is bringing his 22 rifle. I’ll see if my brother has a 22 pistol.
  5. My 2008 isn't quite a classic yet, but it's getting there. It's name is Top Down. I spent Friday night detailing it in the garage while it rained outside. The rain cleared and the streets dried Saturday night, so I took Top Down out to get some gas. It was looking good under the gas station lights, so I started taking some pictures. Then this photographer on a motorcycle comes out of nowhere and starts taking pictures. I let him take his time and showed him around the car. He's going to send me pictures from his camera after he edits them. Here are some from my crappy camera phone.
  6. Is that Uncle Baby Billy's dimwit wife too?
  7. A new member of the family. My brother just brought home Tucker tonight. His former beautiful golden Sam was a good boy for 9 years, but he died this summer. Welcome Tucker!
  8. This sounds like a good idea for my 15yo that is about to start driving. Can the hardware be hidden in the vehicle?
  9. We will be redoing this shoot-em-up this weekend in Abilene this weekend. Last year it was my me, my brother, and my 14yo son. This year we are adding my 11yo son (12 in January). He has played paintball and airsoft, so he knows how to shoot. He hasn't ever shot a real gun before. My brother and I will be all over him about safety and teach him everything. HOWEVER, I was thinking there might be a Youtube video that I could watch with him that would be a good introduction to safety. Can anyone recommend a good safety training video for a first time shooter? Thanks y'all!
  10. Elvis

    Getting old sucks

    Follow up gross pictures I went in for X-ray day 7 and doc said not broken Day 7 (last Monday)
  11. Ordered money for $30. Thanks!
  12. Cowboy boot related. I am trying to figure out a good Christmas gift for my brother. I thought a nice coffee table type book about cowboy boots and how they are made would be cool. I guess it would be about cobbling. I was hoping Luchesee might have a book like that, but no luck. Has anyone found a nice big book with great photos of boots and how they are made?
  13. Rear clip with motor $75k salvage is my guess.
  14. I’ve been watching all of Sheridan’s stuff. It’s interesting that he uses the same actors in everything.
  15. I tried to sell a vintage chair on https://www.chairish.com/ but I didn't get any interest. I finally just parked it in a guest room at a friend's house. I think you could get over a thousand for it if you hit every facebook marketplace that you are willing to deliver it to. If you want ten grand or something then you will be trying to sell it for the rest of your life.
  16. Elvis

    Getting old sucks

    I don’t really think this is old man stuff, buts never happened before. I was play basketball with my son and jumped way up for a rebound. (I’ve been working on my vertical) I come down and roll my right ankle all the way over. I climb around on houses and buildings for a living, so this is bad for business.
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