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Everything posted by Elvis

  1. Need at least one for Christmas. Two would be better. Got some jingle in my pocket.
  2. This needs more love!
  3. Marketing is defacto the targeting of demographics and stereotypes to leverage their predispositions to drive sales. Also, 87 year olds should not be on zoom calls. Gotcha culture has no winners, only losers.
  4. Hatch popping open would have been satisfying.
  5. I started looking for the pay button, but then reflected on my posts today. You pay me!
  6. Does pro-grade theater equipment adapt to home theater settings? If you are building a big home theater with a few rows of seating, it would be cool to say you got all your huge speakers and projectors from AMC or whatever.
  7. All negs are for wishing sickness on others. Nothing more.
  8. But now, fuck you
  9. To be fair that was an accident. My wife put her tits in my face and I pressed the button. Woops.
  10. Good night. Have fun with your “I hate everything” party. Hope you have a better day tomorrow.
  11. Or any politician. My major disappointment is that lobbyists exist at all.
  12. I was wrong on the quote. But Romney is a good guy. He deserved consideration not obliteration by the MSM. I bet you wish he was running now. But y’all kicked everyone’s words down their throat so hard it has led to this unfortunate reality.
  13. A typical liberal MSM editorial on an innocuous statement. He never said any of that.
  14. You’re skipping the frustration generated by MSM before Trump. Approximately 15 years. See my previous Romney milk toast points as examples.
  15. Hang on I just found a half glass my wife didn’t finish. Of course it is biased. How else would they sell add space? in response to we’re done here: Come on man! (Was supposed to be the come on man gif but iPhone whatever)
  16. I’m out of wine. Maybe tomorrow.
  17. Not admitting a liberal bias to MSM is pure ignorance. Perhaps it’s the bliss you seek. Fox was first out of the gate on opinion news of course.
  18. See my posts before. MSM created divisive politics. The result is Trump. He was/is an inevitable outcome of the simulation (which is unfortunately reality). At least he moves the needle on actual policy and economy instead of endlessly campaigning on nothing.
  19. I actually blame Cheney and the bill that allowed opinion based news to exist for the sole purpose of selling gold and robot insurance. That led to the horrible MSM world we live in.
  20. Do you really believe Romney had any sexism or animosity toward women with that statement? Regarding the 47%, he was at a GOP rally saying that we shouldn’t worry about converting their base. That is a typical strategy across all politicians in a 2 party system. Both innocuous statements were weaponized by the media because they had no other dirt on him. That severely hurt the MSM credibility for GOP voters and reasonable people. Not that it mattered. Obama was unbeatable.
  21. Please, let us all recall that the GOP lost all faith in the media when Romney was beat up for political correctness over “binders full of women” and “the 47%”. if that milk toast guy couldn’t stand up to their “tolerance” then who could? So that lead to Trump’s strategy of “if Romney can’t get a fair shake, then fuck em!” The media made Trump. Obviously for worse, but take some blame.
  22. I've heard of people being turned away for wearing American Flag apparel as it is considered partisan. No joke.
  23. Elvis

    Things That Suck

    a "carful" of humans should enter our formal lexicon.
  24. Brawl has some of the most graphic violence/gore I have seen in a while. Bravo Vince Vaughn.
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