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Everything posted by rtchorn

  1. World Series starts Tuesday. If JV starts on Saturday, he’s not available until game 3 on normal rest. So you’re locking in a bullpen game or JV on short rest for game 2 with your “strategy”. Let’s just say you wouldn’t be real high on the list of replacements for AJ.
  2. This was my main takeaway. She ugly. Also, her IG is about 95% bikini pics, so I can kind get the “bikini model” comment; it just seems like a silly reason to not consider a candidate.
  3. Nicholas's family's lawyer filed a petition to depose Goines supervisors to ask exactly that question, along with a bunch of other questions that imply there was a complete lack of oversight in the narcotics division. The DA is now reviewing 1,400 convictions and 14,000 cases. This shit is super fucking puzzling to me. How did they call the "unnamed woman" back if she refused to give her information? The police don't have the ability to do a reverse look-up on a phone number? Seems like it would be really simple to figure out who she was.
  4. The initial tip was from a woman who called saying her daughter was doing drugs in the house. I think it was initially stated it was Nicholas’s mother, but I don’t think that’s been said since. The court documents claim a street cop investigated the house, found nothing suspicious. The strange part is the department’s claim is that the investigating officer called the mother back. That would imply the officer had the tipster’s contact info. The tipster and the CI were different people. I suppose they could’ve made up the tip too, but so think that’s unlikely, because it would require too many people to be involved. But the real reason I doubt Goines had it in for Tuttle and Nicholas is that he had a pattern of faking CI buys to obtain no knock warrants. There were 109 cases where Goines claimed the informant observed guns but no guns were recovered in the the raid. I think this time it went sideways when they shot the dog and the other officers got spooked and started firing. There’s no need for a conspiracy here; there’s enough arrogance and stupidity in the police department to explain this debacle.
  5. Here is the earlier video where the guy showed the 7815 Hardy Rd address which is more likely to be a drug house. The google maps images indicate the fence was added fairly recently. Seems pretty odd to buy a new metal fence and outfit it with surveillance cameras for such a dilapidated property.
  6. It’s covered earlier in this thread, but there is a similar address, 7815 Hardin St, which appears to be an actual drug house. A tip came in and the person receiving the tip botched the street name. Going’s didn’t find it necessary to do any actual police work. No need for any other motive.
  7. The UT part time program is especially lean. In terms of course hours, it’s about 1/3 less hours than full time and they don’t offer any electives or areas of focus. Rice’s part time program is significantly more robust. The roots of the UT Houston program was Exxon paying UT professors come do on site training, so it’s not all that surprising the program feels more like a long training course. It’s probably the strongest MBA program for oilfield networking; ~70% of my classmates were O&G. But like I said, it was the fact recruiting was mostly done in Austin which is my regret about not going full time. That is an advantage that the Rice and Houston programs have being local. But McKenzie and Goldman are not recruiting UofH.
  8. I did the part time MBA in Houston. In hindsight, I wish I’d bitten the bullet and gone full time. The part time program is basically a money grab by the University. The program was fairly decent, though very vanilla, but the biggest problem was all the recruiting happened in Austin. Some folks organized some flag football games between the various part time programs in Houston. The first time it was Rice, UT, and Tulane. Everybody had a great time. The second time, someone asked UofH to join. Some of the UofH kids came with massive chips on their shoulders. There was one guy who tried to convince anyone that would listen that UofH was the best part time program. Later, several of the UofH guys got in an argument with the refs that nearly got physical. Suffice it to say, UofH was not invited back for the third time.
  9. This is a really good article on the subject of no knock raids. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinions/2019/02/11/fatal-houston-drug-raid-is-familiar-story-needless-violence-death-destruction/ Not sure if it was mentioned, but the FBI is investigating. I think the most plausible theory is the 911 caller was talking about 7815 W Hardy Rd as mentioned in the NewsNow video. That address didn’t have a fence whenever Google maps drove by, but it does now. There no HCAD record for 7815 W Hardy, but there is one record for 0 W Hardy that appears to match the property description owned by Jose P Acosta. I’m not trying to dox the guy; I think he’s just a slumlord. In the google street view of his primary residence, I’m pretty sure it’s him mowing the lawn. It just seems really odd to put a metal fence around such a shitty property. The other thing is there are conflicting statements about the 911 call. I’ve seem the caller described as anonymous and refusing to give her name for fear for her life and I’ve also seen it as Rhogena’s mother. I think the Rhogena’s mom thing was just an assumption. Based on some of Rhogena’s Facebook posts, her mom is old af and may not even live in Houston. I don’t think her mom would have any reason to fear for her life. It seems legit that the 911 operator just transcribed bad info. It just seems like lazy/corrupt police work. The unknown suspect vaguely described in the warrant matched Tuttle. I guarantee Goines got on HCAD and then checked social media to bolster the info on the warrant. And I don’t think there was any motive other than making stats and having a little fun busting down a door.
  10. LOL. We had a bunch of Bed Bath & Beyond (wife’s choice, don’t judge me) packages from our wedding registry stolen. BB&B said I needed a police report to get replacements sent. I called and this mother fucker came out. Wouldn’t write a report for me because I couldn’t give him exact dates and times for the theft. It wasn’t until I asked him for his name and badge number and told him I was going to contact my city council rep that he decided to give me a report. Fuck that dude.
  11. For fucks sake man, we’re in agreement. My original statement, which you took objection to, was: ”I can see knock warrants having value in limited circumstances where the suspect has a history of violence. But it is beyond me how policy/procedure could allow no knock warrants to be executed by plain clothes police officers.” My main point was not that no knock warrants are a necessary police tactic; it was that allowing no knock warrants to be executed by plain clothes officers is dangerous and dumb.
  12. So we agree there are some scenarios where no knock warrants are acceptable/necessary.
  13. If the suspect has a history of shooting at cops, I’d prefer the cops engage him in his residence than at a grocery store or shopping mall where I might happen to be.
  14. The warrant claims to not know the identity of the person living in the home. But given the mother of the wife called in the “tip”, it seems damn near impossible for the cops not to have known who was living there. It’s pretty obvious the officer faked the evidence to obtain the warrant. I can see knock warrants having value in limited circumstances where the suspect has a history of violence. But it is beyond me how policy/procedure could allow no knock warrants to be executed by plain clothes police officers.
  15. Holy shit that union president is unhinged. Cops are going to go after people that say negative stuff about police? Bernard is fucked.
  16. Ted Cruz has no Elvis in him.
  17. There has been concerted effort to undo the progress that was made during the Obama years. I’m absolutely on board with kicking the establishment Dems to the curb, but the Democratic Party needs to take advantage of the by swing by the Republicans to the far right by moving back to the center. Hillary didn’t do that; she effectively moved farther left. The farther left the party moves, the easier time Trump and those like him will have pointing at the Dems as radicals and winning the reluctant middle that voted for him in the last election. I think the focus should be on shoring up the progress made, rather than focusing on pushing the issues farther left. The first two years of Trump have demonstrated how tentative holding on to progress can be.
  18. Really? Luhnow seems like the kind of guy that gets the best possible deal for his team regardless of past circumstances.
  19. The rivalry between Fulham and Chelsea is undoubtedly the most storied between the West London clubs regardless of record. The owner of Stamford Bridge offered to lease the stadium to Fulham, who declined. The owner decided to start his own club which gave birth to Chelsea. The 4 teams have rarely been in the same division over the last 30 years. Chelsea is easily the most hated, but they’ve also been on an entirely different level. With that said, both Brentford and QPR did their part to try to keep Fulham down. I mentioned the draw with QPR, but Brentford also managed to draw with a goal in the 94th minute. Both of those matches had a derby feel to them.
  20. Fuck John Terry. Fulham would’ve had to sell off Sessagnon and Fredericks next season so the stakes were equally high. Now they have a chance to keep one or both.
  21. We’re back!!!!
  22. I whole heartedly approve this message.
  23. The obvious answer is we are scoring runs. We’re 5th in MLB in runs scored.
  24. We’re 5th is run scored. So yeah, very low.
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