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LW Goatman

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Everything posted by LW Goatman

  1. Not hating here, as I'd eat the shit out of that, and it looks like nice thick cut bacon. But damn if that doesn't look like a woman cooked bacon. Bacon is a tremendous gift from the gods and should be treated with ultimate care during preparation to ensure even cooking.
  2. 35. Apple pie is best enjoyed with some melted cheddar on top
  3. Naked Whiz has a ton of data on lump, take a look. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/lump.htm
  4. Radiator Springs is incredible...kudos to your team on that ride.
  5. Don't be a bitch about this, Disney can be a lot of fun. There is some good food around, plenty of booze, and some fun rides. Your kid will have a blast, enjoy that. F going in the summer though, I try to only go in off peak times.
  6. Its good with cheese.
  7. 7th street saloon says hey. We used to go there for pitchers in high school, mid 90s. My wife and I are back in town for the night, no kid, but not looking for anything fancy. Usually would do Fred's, Rodeo Goat, some sort of north side Mexican food but not sure tonight. Any ideas in the same realm? University drive "area" would be great.
  8. I smoke turkeys at 350 as well, on a BGE.
  9. I've done this for years, again because the MIL started cooking for Thanksgiving and nobody deserved that torture...I go the next day and buy those turkeys up. It seems over the years that either the grocery stores are refreezing or getting better on projecting demand. Either way, you can still pull this off but may have to visit a couple of stores. I had two stowed away from last year but came back from vacation recently to find my deep freeze went out. Lost a couple of budget turkeys from last year, 40 lbs or so of axis meet, and some processed shit my family stored. Had to pull out 5 axis hides waiting for the tannery and rewrap/refreeze in my new chest freezer (which was hard to find).
  10. Pro tip, go to the grocery store the day after Thanksgiving (or Christmas) and buy a thawed turkey for pennies on the dollar. We do this yearly when my MIL cooks for Thanksgiving so that my family can have a proper smoked turkey over the weekend, and it costs me like $5.
  11. Can I get a holler for Cicis pizza buffet?
  12. I've always done a whole turkey (not spatchcocked but people swear by that method) and use Franklin's guide, which is fairly simple. Brine, salt/pepper, lots of butter, pan for the turkey to sit in, good smoke. Always turns out great.
  13. I'll admit, I hesitated before I went for it, but it ate just fine. Fortunately I saved the container of dipping sauce which really tied it together. I am glad you brought up art. Sometimes you look at art that is considered a masterpiece and think, I could do that. Its not if you could do it, its that you were the first to do it...and I may be the first who had a microwaved mall spring roll wrapped up in a frozen biscuit.
  14. sorry
  15. aaaa
  16. Criminal trials...people who don't know shit about criminal law make up their minds, watch the trial, then bitch if things don't go their way. The system is setup to be in favor of the defendant, their freedom is in the balance. I didn't watch any part of this trial but it looks like the prosecution had a hard time. That can be because of incompetence and that can also be a result of there was no factual basis to prove the case. Based on the small amount I've read here, seems like a good combination of both, but your evidence sucks when you have nothing to present.
  17. Anyone ever ordered the apple pie and melted a nice cut of cheddar on top?
  18. Between this and apple pie with cheese, you are winning the internet.
  19. Shits getting real up in here. Well done my friend.
  20. Went to heat up a day old spring roll for breakfast. There was an uneaten biscuit on the counter. Why the f not?
  21. The problem is there’s not enough cheese on that slice. You really gotta pour it on.
  22. Please post your positive review.
  23. Small critique based on experience. Instead of cutting the cheese into strips, use a large cheese grater. With strips instead of a grated cheese, you risk dragging all of the cheese off in a cut and miss the goodness. Otherwise, the pic above is the money shot.
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