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LW Goatman

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Everything posted by LW Goatman

  1. Voting is easy.
  2. So is our two party shitshow solely focused on partisan politics.
  3. Dude, i think she had no notes. Chill.
  4. Never met the man but my great grandfather was a LEO who arrested Miran Thompson and missed his gun during the search. Thompson shot and murdered him. Thompson was sent to Alcatraz and was one of the 5 inmates responsible for the battle of alcatraz. Many moons ago I was a prosecutor. I dealt with countless murders in that capacity. My sister's close friend was responsible for a murder for hire of her parents back when i was in middle school (they were in high school). Her friend and associates sought the inheritance. Didn't turn out so well for anyone.
  5. Opas jap and cheese over an open fire placed in a tortilla with some processed cheese and mustard after gutting a deer is the high life.
  6. How the fuck does that happen?
  7. I just pause shit when the wife comes in. I can resume the game after whatever bullshit is out of the way.
  8. Good luck and fuck the Hawkeyes?
  9. Narrator has me all jacked up.
  10. Now we can insert someone who will protect sully and reprimand all of those colored boys. /aggy
  11. This this this.
  12. Aggies and corps do weird stuff
  13. Just FYI, best green chile stew thread: http://www.shaggytexas.com/board/showthread.php/80117-Green-Chile-Stew
  14. Would like to know Academy's sorcery.
  15. RC is posting on texags after being called out by former walk on kickoff team rubes. https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/3128205/1
  16. That's some duck of death bacon there.
  17. Get this stuff:
  18. Thank you my friend. These aren't really the long plate ribs like I usually smoke. These are actually short as in 4/5 inch wide beef ribs. Seem like a braising type rib.
  19. I've got a pack of about 8 ribs from a buddy's cow that i've had in the freezer for several months. Hit me with your favorite recipe and i'll delight the surl with pictures this weekend.
  20. For bathrooms, hotel lobbies, chik fil a, and starbucks are usually pretty clean.
  21. I too save a jar of rendered fat. If you are surly 1% you can buy a tub of it at buccees.
  22. Possum Kindgom reminded me of a place called Burger's lake somewhere in Fort Worth. I don't remember going all that often but remember it being fun as a kid.
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