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LW Goatman

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Everything posted by LW Goatman

  1. State run media, pumps out the propaganda.
  2. I still remember the 50 year old manager on the griddle screaming to the cashier “he wants the egg on what”? As directions were relayed from cashier back he through his hands in the air. The air was tense, we were all standing within five feet of one another and he was actually looking at me (again gas station what a burger). Thing cost me like $11.
  3. I purchased a whatafarm at a what a burger built into a gas station. I ordered by name but they just stared at me. I went on to describe my order in detail. The biggest catch for the manager was that they had stopped making breakfast and i needed an egg, something about the griddle. They made it and they all came out and looked at me. There were three of us. In addition to the japs comment above, we also added fries. One got the fish on it as well.
  4. I drew a dick the first time, so jokes on them.
  5. Mom thought she was getting a Cadillac, dad brought home this, the Chrysler Fifth Avenue. The biggest mechanical piece of shit I've ever been around.
  6. I first came across the term as a child when our family was buying registered labs that ended up with genetic defects. It’s called linebreeding. That pool is small and shallow.
  7. That guy makes Johnny 8 ball look healthy.
  8. The less big swinging dicks meddling with the football program the better. Leave that shit with the aggy network.
  9. I'd like to get into it, but never have. Are those hand stitched? Nice work.
  10. Just got back from a three day business trip and forgot to pack extra underwear.
  11. I’m a simple man. I see jimbo predicting a top two class and find that he is indeed correct. He’s got the second rated class in Texas.
  12. After reading that thread, those maroons claim he had a history of ripping off fellow posters for legal services he couldn’t and didn’t perform. They reported him to texags who in turn made him a moderator and invited him on to their radio shows. Good job Looch!
  13. Isn’t that the same guy that got disbarred for trafficking weed out of Arizona?
  14. Last 20 years: The worm has turned (I don’t know what the fuck that means but that was what they said each year Mack was here) Trust in Sherm Trust in Sumdog Trust in Jimbo Rinse and repeat.
  15. All this lads and gents stuff seems a little high brow for me.
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