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LW Goatman

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Everything posted by LW Goatman

  1. I don't know anything about the family's resources but Nolan is significantly cheaper than Trinity Valley.
  2. Oh, we forgot until the last second to make a depth chart pitch.
  3. They streamed the bbq party on texags and its about what you would expect. I found one clip and will let the video speak for itself. Aggy bbq
  4. Hey nerdz: I just purchased a raspberry pi 3 b+ as an impulse buy from woot. I don't know anything about these things or coding and such but understand these things can be used by even fools like me. The original reason for the purchase was to put the old video games on for my daughter and i to play. I then read that Kodi can be installed. The instructions seem simple enough to get Kodi installed but is there an easy way to get a dvr setup on one of these things? I'm sure i'll have numerous other simple minded questions you kind folks may be able to help me out with in the future.
  5. Vic, I don't recall this Mackolm related thread on texags from 2014 but leaving it here just for those who haven't seen it. https://texags.com/forums/5/topics/2527893
  6. Long day with child, put child down late, dinner discussion for us goes as follows: Wife: Are we eating at home or should i get something? Me: Home is fine, we have all of that BBQ left. Wife: I'm tired and don't want to cook. Me: No need, we have a all of that BBQ left. Her: I don't want any BBQ, I'm going to pick something up. Me: Ok, the BBQ is fine but if you want something else that'll work for me. Her: What do you want me to get. Me: Not picky, whatever sounds good to you. Her: I'm not playing this game, you better pick something. And as we all know, she's never picked any damn restaurant her life. I just bring up restaurant after restaurant until she decides one will work. My first suggestion was BBQ which didn't go over well.
  7. https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/2ikp15/street_corner_personals/
  8. Gave my kid a pb and honey sandwich last weekend. Some good shit. While we are tossing around honey, i'd like to add this epic combination which is delicious: Grape Nuts + Milk + Honey
  9. Appearing number 1 and 4 at the same time? Hell yeah it counts you stupid sip.
  10. I don't think anyone really tracks those numbers except them, so you know what that means, fuzzy math.
  11. Take a pair of prison-issued khaki pants and cut off the legs as high as possible Sew the bottoms up and line them with two trash bags Pour two and a half gallons of water into each leg Then add five pounds of sugar, five cups of diced tomatoes and one cup of tomato paste per pant leg. This is to help kick if off and make it turn faster Wind the top of the trash bags together around a pen case—leaving an opening—as close to the liquid as possible, to let it breathe Then you have to find a place to hang the bag. The warmer it is, the quicker the wine will cook. Behind the toilet, in the vent, in your locker—anyplace where it can sit unmolested for 12 days. If you got a kicker, it will come back in six to nine days. Make kickers out of old potatoes, as well as tomato paste. Yeast is the best kicker option of all—but is very difficult to get inside.
  12. Some kids mom once fed me bologna on white bread with mayo and ketchup. That was like 35 years ago and i still remember. I never went back to that kids house.
  13. FSU had 26k last year, they couldn't wait to get rid of Jimbo.
  14. Portland university tennis player gets all surly at the university sports banquet. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/college/2018/04/17/goutham-sundaram-removed-university-portland-tennis-misogynistic-violent-speech/523038002/
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