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LW Goatman

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Everything posted by LW Goatman

  1. Its because it don't make a shit and at some point one of them will let it slip and say that its safe because they don't have black people there.
  2. I've also been advised not to click on links from suspect looking emails.
  3. Bitches afraid to list grape nuts (you hit it with milk and honey).
  4. I have quite a few guns, mostly rifles and shotguns for hunting, some pistols and fun plinking guns. I have had a chl for 15 years and carried probably 15 times in my life while not on a ranch. I don't like open carry at all, but have only seen it a couple of times outside of hunting (one guy on loop 820 in a crotch rocket doing stunts on his bike no less). Someone asked before about crime prevention and who knows. I can offer one one experience in my life. I was in a "mass shooting" meaning I was within 50 feet of the shooter separated by a single wall. Someone in that room with me was shot as were others, some died. A good samaritan with a chl engaged the shooter and altered the course of the event. More people would have died had that not happened, maybe me? I don't think so but others definitely are alive today because of that person's actions.
  5. I mean they are the laughing stock tonight. Ended their season with 2 blowout losses. This is how you aggy. Scream from the top of your lungs that you were disrespected. Blame the sips and espn. Have the AD lead an investigation into the seeding crime, because he’s tight with the committee and has aggy balls of steel. Play the game and get destroyed by a 10 seed who you were above playing in the first place. Blame sips again as we and espn got what we wanted.
  6. You also need to save the week long guide from the Sunday paper, maybe hide that shit somewhere so it doesn't get lost.
  7. I've got a big oryx roast I just thawed and I'd like to try something new. Can you post some details here? Looks incredible.
  8. They rarely pontificate at length unless its something gruesome like this. And if he was wondering what was coming, well he truly never will get it.
  9. I'm impressed at the day old breading structure on the CFS, well done.
  10. My insurance broker provided quotes from them, among others, that saved me substantially as I haven't shopped home/car insurance in years. I see Branch is a very young company, wondering if anyone had any experience with them?
  11. My first thought was flux capacitor but yeah I can see how the eifel tower is a better fit.
  12. That coach's twitter is very pro Longhorn and adept at pointing out aggy tears.
  13. That one guy with 17 items is an asshole.
  14. I agree, its tough. Put me down for a Tecmo Bowl and an OG Zelda.
  15. That’s a 40 year old man sitting on a bed with a college football player’s arms around his neck.
  16. You got fucked. Tell your gf to call eatzies or something and order up all these sides and other shit you need.
  17. Lol at discovery and SEC recruiting, hoo boy.
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