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LW Goatman

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Everything posted by LW Goatman

  1. Mely Martinez has some great recipes, including the rice. https://www.mexicoinmykitchen.com/mexican-rice-recipe-authentic/
  2. Alphie Solomons. is a cock gobbler.
  3. You forgot the cheese...make sure you get a melt as well.
  4. Pappa murphys and others have been doing this for a long time. Its a ripoff price wise, so you can easily just make at home with some Raos, mozzarella, and whatever toppings you want to use.
  5. Good lord they used Sweet Baby Ray's?
  6. I'm sure there is some racist undertone there that only deep seeded hicks understand.
  7. This. I keep a large ziplock in the freezer with all sorts of left over veggies, or even ends, that would get tossed. I use that with a chicken carcass for stock (like that rotisserie one noted above), good stuff.
  8. This continues to be one of the greatest pumpkin stories ever told. Thanks for the update. I hope that old bastard continues to thrive.
  9. I see what you're trying to say, but that simply isn't how the law works. Delivery means you are actually busted intentionally or knowingly delivering marijuana. The term "deliver" means to transfer actually or constructively. The gun in and of itself plays no part (though under some fact pattern it could, but its not an element of the crime).
  10. Under the TX penal code, its only UCW if you are in possession of a firearm while committing an offense above a class c misdemeanor (among other things that aren't relevant here). The passenger is (likely) saying I was in possession of the gun and weed, so there you have it. Once those two things are out of the way, the DWI with a BAC under .06 goes away no problem. Note the BAC, even under the legal limit, is not dispositive of DWI but that's not important here.
  11. My first thought when I saw the charges was whether there was a mercenary in the car to take the fall. Did the other guy get charged that night as well? If so, that typically happens because neither guy said that's my stuff, denied knowing it was there, etc and they both get taken in. If the other guy did NOT get charged initially, and is now getting the case, then that is super shady. Either way, nothing to see here, mercenary takes the fall, Jimbo runs a clean program.
  12. I'm not sure what the question is but 0 - 2 ounce possession is class B misdemeanor, 2 - 4 ounce possession is class A misdemeanor, 4 ounces to 5 lbs is a state jail felony...and so on. There are delivery and manufacturing charges under the penal code, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.
  13. Passenger in the car took the fall for the gun and dope, he should get rewarded well for what amounts to a couple of misdemeanors. Easy way for them to say "nothing to see here".
  14. That's fine and all, but it goes further than that. Aggy has only played for 1 title in Football, Basketball, OR Baseball (and I'm sure a shit ton of other things) in 146 years.
  15. Labs and goldens are typically the same size class. Siberian huskies, on average, are a smaller breed than both of those retrievers. German shepherds are in the same weight class, though on the average high end slightly larger than a labrador, which is on average slightly larger than a golden.
  16. There's a building hiding in plane sight in Austin that houses people who can make that problem disappear.
  17. The furk aggy caricature could easily be replaced with this guy's face. That is aggy if I ever saw it.
  18. I just did Fedex overnight on an important item and it took a week, with delays in both shipping stops. Nobody could tell me what was going on and no fucks were given. I wouldn't trust fedex any more than I'd trust the usps on a situation like this. Genuine passports are also gold mines for thieves. If it were me, I'd hit up DC, have a nice dinner, see a sight or two, and ensure this didn't derail my trip.
  19. He was too predictable.
  20. NCAA rules are considered suggestions by Bitz.
  21. The saddest thing about the fake natty plaque was that it was presented to Bitz during a ceremony honoring the Commerce coach who actually won a national championship.
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