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  1. In other news hot chicks get away with not developing their personality. Fat chicks put their hearts into blow jobs. Water is wet.
  2. 50 Now I can have bewbs!
  3. Assad is worse than isis? Bombing kids is ok, gassing them is bad?
  4. How dark was that room? She didn't notice the white powder?
  5. I actually LOL'd Now I feel bad about myself.
  6. How about nationwide cellular Internet access? Farm kids across the USA are getting left behind the modern world with crappy satellite Internet.
  7. What ended that mini ice age? What caused it? How many times has the world had ice ages followed by melts followed by another ice age? This cycle is caused by cow farts and internal combustion engines.? A good tv weather person has a batting average that would keep them in the minor leagues.
  8. What's a lesbian dinosaur called? Lickalotapus
  9. What's worse than a lobster on your piano? Crabs on your organ.
  10. OiU

    Brush with greatness

    Auto correct: A crappy vampire movie
  11. OiU

    Brush with greatness

    I saw Kelly McGinnis at sloppy Joes in key west drunk and loud 20 or so years ago. She smelled bad or I would have tried to hook up. Fast forward to last night I saw her in accuracy vampire movie. She aged like milk. To quote the Don "SAD!"
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