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The Triple Lindy

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  1. Texas 31 Bad Nutsacs 24 428 yards
  2. Been asking this on a couple other forums. Can't find anything in the rule that answers it. Most believe he will serve the suspension in the Sugar Bowl. Some say the B12 game is not a regular season game and it goes on 1st game next year. IMO, especially since we appealed it, the penalty will be accessed in the Sugar Bowl.
  3. With Catalon in portal, does williams targeting call defer to game 1 next season or does he have to take the first half off? Have seen conflicting arguments.
  4. Had the pleasure of playing golf with him about 10 years or so ago. He shared the story of how he was gifted the license plate “Cowboy” from a gentleman that had passed. He truly cherished the story and the license plate. JJ had offered to purchase it many times he told—it wasn’t for sale. Best wishes to his family and RIP
  5. It looks like a damn blue tarp. Pretty cheap at Walmart and HD. It’s going to be an 11am kick.
  6. There will be 6 of us driving in that morning from Atlanta. We will try and stop by to donate to the tailgate fund/NIL.
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