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  1. Red Rooms is on Shudder now if you have that. One of the best movies of 2024 for me.
  2. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  3. Reacher got his ass kicked by a nobody in season 2. Was annoying and made no sense.
  4. wutang75


    I have a problem with some things on this show - but that relationship dynamic between Hamm and BB’s characters I’ve seen more times than I can count.
  5. This has been covered. No tuddies. No nattys. This is reserved for drunk wives/gfs trying to sound like they know sports. No offense to those women out there that actually do know sports….
  6. Also - when they could ask for anything, why didn’t they ask for money.
  7. Beast Games is diabolical. I do wonder how enough people are watching this show to justify a 22 million dollar investment.
  8. Yeah that last episode was….something. Middle episodes were solid.
  9. Am I the one that didn’t realized how close to Bram Stokers Dracula it is? Basically the same plot. Story behind it is interesting.
  10. Going today. In the “The Witch is a masterpiece” camp.
  11. I feel like a lot of us would pay good money to sit in a room and have Ms. Casey read nice things about us.
  12. Okay kids. Let’s find out what’s for dinner…..
  13. Good lord Rex Kramer can lock this thread.
  14. So, 1 TD in the [emoji2391]rd quarter since the first Georgia game?
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