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Everything posted by wutang75

  1. Not to hijack but the tallywacker scene in Porky’s is all time.
  2. It’s an on-going family joke for years that Dad loves Beaches. I can watch it once a week. Many of us in our late 40s or early 50s have movies we fell in love with because of HBO in the 80s. The movie that I associate with this most is Arthur. I had an unhealthy obsession with this movie before I was 10. Still do. Bucky Larson. Maybe the worst movie ever made but the first 20 minutes is hilarious. Blue Streak has been mentioned. I’m not sure this qualifies - I know tons of people that love this movie. “Kiss my ass with them shits” has been quoted thousands of times in my friend circle. Saving Silverman Law Abiding Citizen Pet Semetary (original) So many found footage horror movies.
  3. I laughed so hard at Girl at a Party and Drunk Uncle. They killed it. Really enjoyed pretty much everything.
  4. The Mavs would trade the Joker because he cares more about horses.
  5. It’s not rooting for the Lakers as much as it’s wanting Luka to rub it in how big of a fuck up this is.
  6. It’s like if Texas would have let Manning walk for Ewers and the Aggie idiot in your office saying “cry more.”
  7. Cant disagree more on Snack Shack - thought it was great.
  8. So I’ve read most of the hyped horror novels this year - We Used to Live Here, Penpal, Brother, Incidents Around the House and enjoy all of them for the most part. I found a copy of Suffer the Children by Craig Diluise at half priced books and this freakin book blew me away.
  9. Red Rooms is on Shudder now if you have that. One of the best movies of 2024 for me.
  10. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  11. Reacher got his ass kicked by a nobody in season 2. Was annoying and made no sense.
  12. wutang75


    I have a problem with some things on this show - but that relationship dynamic between Hamm and BB’s characters I’ve seen more times than I can count.
  13. This has been covered. No tuddies. No nattys. This is reserved for drunk wives/gfs trying to sound like they know sports. No offense to those women out there that actually do know sports….
  14. Also - when they could ask for anything, why didn’t they ask for money.
  15. Beast Games is diabolical. I do wonder how enough people are watching this show to justify a 22 million dollar investment.
  16. Yeah that last episode was….something. Middle episodes were solid.
  17. Am I the one that didn’t realized how close to Bram Stokers Dracula it is? Basically the same plot. Story behind it is interesting.
  18. Going today. In the “The Witch is a masterpiece” camp.
  19. I feel like a lot of us would pay good money to sit in a room and have Ms. Casey read nice things about us.
  20. Okay kids. Let’s find out what’s for dinner…..
  21. Good lord Rex Kramer can lock this thread.
  22. So, 1 TD in the [emoji2391]rd quarter since the first Georgia game?
  23. Perfect gif [emoji23]
  24. If you haven’t seen Treevenge - do yourself a favor and watch it on YouTube.
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