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Everything posted by wutang75

  1. Also - when they could ask for anything, why didn’t they ask for money.
  2. Beast Games is diabolical. I do wonder how enough people are watching this show to justify a 22 million dollar investment.
  3. Yeah that last episode was….something. Middle episodes were solid.
  4. Am I the one that didn’t realized how close to Bram Stokers Dracula it is? Basically the same plot. Story behind it is interesting.
  5. Going today. In the “The Witch is a masterpiece” camp.
  6. I feel like a lot of us would pay good money to sit in a room and have Ms. Casey read nice things about us.
  7. Okay kids. Let’s find out what’s for dinner…..
  8. Good lord Rex Kramer can lock this thread.
  9. So, 1 TD in the [emoji2391]rd quarter since the first Georgia game?
  10. Perfect gif [emoji23]
  11. If you haven’t seen Treevenge - do yourself a favor and watch it on YouTube.
  12. It’s free if you have iOS Arcade.
  13. Just FYI - if you are planning on seeing this on the 70mm screen at the Cinemark Webb Chapel in Dallas (hopefully you already bought tickets) they have been having technical issues and have cancelled some shows. I believe they did a make-up showing last night at 2am. I would still probably call if you are making a trip. I’m just going to see it at the best digital IMAX screen in Dallas which imo is NorthPark. I think it’s been extended through the 18th as well.
  14. Texas is ranked 106th in red zone scoring percentage. Who does that fall on?
  15. No references to Archie saying ideally they’d like for Arch to play three more years at Texas? If I missed it I apologize.
  16. Hereditary is a masterpiece and the greatest modern horror movie.
  17. Exorcist III has always been a lowkey favorite of mine. I took my kid to see this at Texas Theater a few years ago (her first time seeing it) and it was terrifying in the theater.
  18. Pretty much a Texas lovefest on the Hardline today with Klatt. What else could they say. Klatt has been on our bandwagon for several years now and it’s finally paying off and he loves it.
  19. Watched it again last night with my other kid and the emerald city part was tough to sit through on second watch for sure. I was able to focus more on the performances this time and man did Ariana Grande kill it. Can’t believe she’s about to marry the Boq actor. Jonathan Bailey made it look easy.
  20. I’ve raised two theater kids which means I’ve seen this musical way too many times and wasn’t overly excited to see the movie. I ended up really enjoying it and my girls haven’t stopped talking about it all week. If you are on the fence - I would recommend seeing it at the theater. Performances are insane. Menzel/Chenoweth cameos were cool. Hopefully there isn’t any audience participation in your theater. Reading Hermanator’s review - I do wonder what thoughts are from others that are completely unaware of the musical.
  21. Maximus be his pseudonym.
  22. I think the market for Dak would be better than many think. Teams do crazy shit for QBs - even mediocre ones.
  23. The GOT hate is insane. It’s easily one of the greatest tv shows ever and I’ve enjoyed rewatching it a couple times. The last season isn’t as good and the finale sucks but deciding not to watch something this great because of the shitty ending is crazy. Enjoy the ride and bail on the last season if you must. If you have friends telling you not to watch it because of the end, you need new friends.
  24. Talking about time loop movies - Triangle has to be my favorites. Others I enjoy: Edge of Tomorrow About Time Predestination Primer Timecrimes Resolution/The Endless Coherence Caddo Lake
  25. Has Derry Girls been mentioned in a while? Just finished my annual rewatch and every time it gets funnier. If you haven’t seen it - highly recommend.
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