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Everything posted by wutang75

  1. I’m not ashamed to admit on a sports message board that wicked was awesome. The family has seen the show three or four times so we’re fans. Thought the movie was a great adaptation. It’s just the first half.
  2. wutang75


    Seems a lot of people in this thread don’t understand how fiction works.
  3. Charlie Manson interview was pretty good
  4. I like our chances in a rematch. I mean, we would learn from our mistakes and have a better gameplan right? Right?!?
  5. “Tuddies” and “nattys” - these are words used by the annoying gf your buddy insists on bringing to watch the game.
  6. There are intentionally mistakes throughout Pulp Fiction. “Any of you F’n pricks move…….”
  7. Watched Conclave and Heretic tonight. Conclave is really good Oscar bait with amazing acting all around but isn’t quite the masterpiece I’ve heard it was. Still a great thriller and worth seeing. Heretic took a bit to get going but I really enjoyed it overall. If you like religious horror you will love this. Hugh Grant was great.
  8. Has Snack Shack been discussed on this thread? Great early 90s coming of age movie. Def deserves to be in the conversation with The Way Way Back, Adventureland, etc.
  9. I posted this in the Halloween thread - Red Rooms might be my favorite horror film of the year - although it’s more of a suspense/thriller. Cannot recommend it enough.
  10. Andy would have died from toxic gasses in the pipe. Also - the poster must have been a really heavy paper stock to stay covering the hole as he worked, or not show the huge indention in the wall.
  11. On second watch, Red Rooms might be my favorite horror movie of the year although it’s really more of a suspense thriller.
  12. REC2 is great as well. Starts off right where 1 left off. I would also recommend the US version with Jennifer Carpenter (Avett) - Quarantine. A very effective remake. (Can anyone tell me why it keeps doing this when I quote someone else’s post? I’m using Tapatalk).
  13. LOL Cincy.
  14. Damn - you beat me to it.
  15. If you like chaotic, single-shot films Mads on Shudder is a wild ride. Loved it.
  16. “Bloody Hell” should be on this list.
  17. I wish the media would call these douches out for the “us against the world” bullshit. You’re F’n Georgia.
  18. This was a lot of us.
  19. This is very cool. Hereditary is my all time #1 is this is from a guy that has way too much free time and has watched pretty much everything horror has to offer. Only horror movie theater experience I’ve had close to that was Blair Witch Project opening weekend. That was fun.
  20. This is how I took a lot of the initial criticism I saw - “How dare Hollywood make a movie about Civil War in the US and not make a statement that aligns with my political ideology.”
  21. Agree with this. Stephen will give up the reigns in some capacity - it takes a special sociopathic/egomaniacal mentality to act the way Jerry does.
  22. Jerry got pissed at Shan and RJ this morning on 105.3 - I’m trying to find audio. Basically told them they can be replaced - if I heard it correctly. Looks like someone posted the audio in the Cowboys football thread.
  23. TickPick user here.
  24. It hurt a bit when I came to the realization recently that I was much closer in age to Coach than to Sam.
  25. [emoji817]
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