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Everything posted by Tonesky

  1. Tonesky


    Had good meals this past ACL weekend at Oseyo and Super Thai. Would go back to both.
  2. Met friends there on Monday for our annual ACL getaway lunch. It was meh. If open Monday, I would have pushed for E y Mas.
  3. Security has always been tight/loose depending on the day, the person searching, whether you are the every x person, etc. But, when tight/thorough, it can be very much so. And, I seem to always get at least enough of a look that anything obvious would be discovered. I am always flabbergasted at the number of vapes, etc. that make it through.
  4. And, that even while doing just that, any serious effort to fight Hamas will result in unintended Palestinian civilian casualties.
  5. Hmm, no blockade of the West Bank, controlled by the PA, which is not a terrorist organization; blockade of Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas, an Iranian proxy terrorist organization with the stated goal of elimination of Israel and Jews. You do the math.
  6. This gets right to the heart of why people who claim they are just criticizing the Israeli government are sometimes actually (and accurately called out as) anti-Semites.
  7. The goal/purpose of Israeli military actions is not to kill civilians, including babies. With the possible exception of rogue criminal settler behavior, there is no equivalence between Israeli defense action and the pogrom just perpetrated by Hamas. Although you will clap back with some bullshit, I expect you actually know that is true.
  8. Jew here. I guarantee you a huge number of American Jews, including damn near all who identify as democrats, agree with you.
  9. There are reasons for the blockade, which can be debated, but it is not simply to oppress the Palestinian people. The blockade is a governmental policy. It is also supported and assisted by Egypt. It is a bit simplistic to argue that the effects of Israeli and Egyptian governmental policy is a crime against humanity perpetrated by the IDF.
  10. A more focused step 1 could solve things while still allowing the masses their opium - get rid of fundamentalists (of all faiths).
  11. The IDF does as much or more than any military in the world to honor just that, but they seem to be the only country/armed forces judged by a standard of perfection.
  12. And, if we snapped our fingers and made this happen, what Palestinian government would disarm and police/control Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Al-Aqsa martyrs Brigade, etc? And, should they fail to successfully do so, what would Israel reasonably be allowed to do to protect its citizens?
  13. I did not remotely say that all Palestinian refugees left their homes in what is now Israel voluntarily or without duress. But, i note you ignore the reference to the similar number of Jews who fled their homes in neighboring Arab states.
  14. Nakba is the Palestinian narrative. A large number of the Palestinians who left what is now Israel, did so at the encouragement of the invading Arab armies. Essentially - get out of the way and you can come back after we kill all of the Jews. Also, the contemporaneous migration of a similar number of Jews from Arab countries is also a thing - read up on it.
  15. I'm probably just forgetful, but can someone point me to the map with a proposed two state boundary that any Palestinian religious, political, or military leader has, at any time since 1948, suggested as even a starting point? (Just to be clear, this excludes the only one I can recall - the Jew-less single state from the river to the sea)
  16. Security Note to Weekend Two attendees: For the first time I have encountered, they required chairs be removed from their storage bags at security, with a check to make sure nothing was tucked up inside the folded material. Notwithstanding the clear/size bag rules, I saw lots of small to medium opaque backpacks (not camelbaks) that were allowed through security. But, they can be very inconsistent from day to day and person to person, so I'm not sure I'd risk it with a bag I care about....
  17. Sunday: Niall Horan Hozier Mumford & Sons All at Amex, where the sound mix was better than Saturday, but still substandard. I tried to start the day with Morgan Wade at IHG, where I was about 8 feet center, but the sound was so awful, including completely inaudible vocals, that I (and others) gave up and left after about 15 minutes. As I headed back from the stage, the sound improved significantly by the time I reached the rear of house sound booth. So, I stopped and tried to explain the front of stage situation to someone wearing credentials at the railing. He immediately cut me off, said "not my job," and turned and walked away, while the person for whom it was his job was sitting at the control board 10 feet away, oblivious to the horrible sound up front....
  18. Gus Dapperton Christone “Kingfish” Ingram (spectacular) Alanis Noah Kahan
  19. Asleep At The Wheel (tradition) Abraham Alexander (nice new find) Portugal The Man (meh) The Tesky Brothers (terrific) Maggie Rogers (terrific) The Lumineers (terrific)
  20. The turf held up better than I expected. There are a few somewhat muddy areas that I expect they will cover and will be fine.
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