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Everything posted by Tonesky

  1. No, not me, but I captured the moment.
  2. Did we hang out this weekend?
  3. I was able to pretty easily get to about 25 feet center, about 30 minutes before start time. Then moved up another 5+ feet during the show. No chance I could have pulled this off if I’d arrived 10 minutes later.
  4. Less the depth of the glory hole.
  5. Quesadilla dinner - sautéed onion, poblano, and mushroom, and leftover rotisserie chicken, plus cheese mix, hot sauce, and smashed avocado topping. Quick, easy, and good!
  6. And, a very good dinner at Rose Gose on Sunday. They were dead! I hope that is just because it was Sunday.
  7. Tonesky


    Dan’s after ACL tonight. It too was fantastic.
  8. We are doomed!
  9. Had a very good dinner tonight at Fig Italian Kitchen on S Lamar.
  10. It’s not exactly Trump level, but I’m disappointed by the amount of gibberish from Walz.
  11. As of about 30 minutes ago, the Teamsters have my full support!
  12. Just before wrapping.
  13. Fuck the holding call, but Wisner fucks!
  14. 😆😆😆🤘
  15. Absolutely stunned by the people I’ve heard this from recently.
  16. The current 529 balance will cover undergraduate tuition. If the market/fund values crashed at a time such that the balances would no longer cover undergraduate tuition, we would very painfully supplement from other sources - our retirement. Which is the reason for my quest to move to another fund with better end stage options than equity funds, bond funds, or mixes of the two. I am not sure it exists, other than the plans I mentioned with money market options, which presumably will soon start declining with interest rates. If, I could just stand pat, with a 2-6 year ladder of bank CDs, I would probably do so, but that is not an option in a 529 plan....
  17. Absolutely not. I use all of it, and have never had a bitterness issue.
  18. Initial burn-in underway! I used an Old Smokey and charcoal for about 15 years (dating to a long gone duplex that was just north of campus in the 3100 block of Tom Green) and then gas for the next almost 30 years. This will be interesting….
  19. Just started the YTTV 10 day free trial….
  20. So, now you’ll be adding 3-4 days at the end, right?
  21. I was focused more on the cute young woman, with a touch of cray, over her right shoulder.
  22. Poor aggy about to run out of time.
  23. Shutout preserved
  24. Kids (twins) just started their junior year of high school. Their 529 funds have been parked in the Iowa 529 plan since they were in diapers, and have done very well there. But, like most plans, Iowa investment options are limited and do not include low risk "safe" investments for short term savings. The most popular plans on this thread - Nevada and Utah - are the same. Kind of like not leaving all of your savings in the stock market as you are approaching retirement, I feel the need to get some or all of their college money out of more risky investments as they are about to start college. South Carolina and Alabama, however, have bank deposit (CD/Money Market) options that are currently paying in the 5.25% range, with nominal to zero expense/fee. They - Alabama in particular - also have various Vanguard and other low expense funds if I want to divide the money into multiple investments, with some (and the ability to increase over time) the amount locked down in a bank fund. Anyone have experience with South Carolina or Alabama 529s? Or, other 529 with a bank savings option? Or, just want to talk me down off of the ledge?
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