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Everything posted by Tonesky

  1. Wow! AGNB! 🤘🤘🤘
  2. With handoffs!
  3. 🤘🤘🤘
  4. No Brakes, damn it!
  5. Also known as a tortilla’s worth.
  6. I’m ready for a fucking beat down. ALL GAS!
  7. Boom, MF
  8. He had no clue
  9. False start, 5 yard penalty, punt.
  10. Lucky no pic
  11. That's a fucking latke. Needs sour cream and apple sauce!
  12. Going to wife’s brother’s in half an hour. Wife was assigned to bring her mom’s stuffing recipe. I was assigned to bring pecan pie and my mother’s biscuit recipe. Not sure what else SIL has planned, but it is sure to be phenomenal. She is about as good as a home cook can be - both cooking and baking.
  13. I think I could live with an adios motherfuckers Big XII Championship t-shirt!
  14. Sadly, that tunnel does not lead to Zihuatanejo.
  15. 3 guajillo, 6 ancho, and 3 chipotle. I like the ratio/flavor, but it’s too mild. Next time, I’ll try 4/8/4.
  16. How was that not a fucking hold?
  17. I’m glad PK put so much work into preparing for that 3rd and 5.
  18. You live a rich fantasy life. I’m jealous.
  19. Maybe they should have marched into Gaza in aggy band formation and asked the 30K Hamas tunnel rats to pretty please come out from your urban hiding spots?
  20. Only to provide the Saudi/Yemeni context. My comment is not directed at or commentary regarding Nivik or you.
  21. FIFY
  22. Tonesky


    Today, Facebook reminded me that we have come a long fucking way!
  23. Fritos
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