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Everything posted by Tonesky

  1. That was so fucking close. Lets add more runs!
  2. That's been the case for four years. Does not explain the lack of this as we plow through the playoffs:
  3. What is wrong with Karbach? I need some crushed Crawford Boch can memes!
  4. Thanks to jimmyjazz, today I made my first batch of truly from scratch chili. I went with a 6/6/6 pepper mix. Came out great.
  5. There was definitely a second or two on the clock. But, my fucks have all been given.
  6. Done. Fuck Tom. And, fuck covid for probably saving his job.
  7. Does Mensa still hate momentum?
  8. No flag? Are you fucking kidding me?
  9. This would be a good time to make a fucking statement that we are a fucking football team!
  10. I used to enjoy football.
  11. Wow, impressive take, Zack. I can't believe that ESPN hasn't dumped Herbstreit yet to make room for you. Stay close to your phone. The worm is turning.
  12. He is every bit the piece of shit as is his son, just not as successful at spreading his stench.
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